Amp annealer headaches?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2021
alliance nebraska
A good friend of mine pointed out to me he was getting "headaches" while using his amp annealer. After our conversation I paid attention the next time I used mine and noticed I also didn't feel "right" while using mine. Seems almost like a brain fog or slight headache...came on after about 30 a test I cleaned brass in my wet tumbler before annealing the next make sure it wasn't the smell of carbon cooking that was doing it. I have noticed in subsequent sessions that when I'm annealing big cases with higher Aztec numbers the head fog comes sooner and more intense than when doing my 6xc cases...after about 20 minutes of being done I'm back to normal. I'm not for sure if it's I'm more sensitive to things (I get back ocular migraines and I've had 8 documented concussions...old pro Motocrossed)
*Motocrosser) or if this is something everyone experiences..I'm kinda wondering if these induction annealers are putting out some kind of emf that's causing this. I love my amp annealer and will keep using it but now I'm trying to figure out a way to test the emf it puts out and how to shield myself from it while using it .. maybe some kind of Faraday cage around it.
Well given the sheer number of induction stove tops and counter hot plates not to mention its industrial use think there has to be some studies on it. So some basic searching should get you started.

It seems some people can be much more EMF sensitive.

You know there are set limits by the fcc,fda, etc and various cert orgs that set limits on tge amount of emf devices can emit. I would "assume" the induction annealed have to meet these as well. Something you could call and check on.

The problem is you are very likely researching using search engines to find articles (not scientific research studies) the same ones that claim your cell phones 0.125 milliwatts which is like 1/10,000 of a watt is frying you if you in the same room, or as one of the wifi router on the other side of your home. Consider the old bag and analog handheld cell phones of the late 80s and 90s ran at 1-3 watt. Not to mention that various ham radios, cell towers, transmission lines, high voltage large service transformers.

Just remember there is a world of difference between ionizing vs non ionizing radiation or emf.

EMF drops exponentially (reverse square) so just a few inches is significant feet even more so.

As a rough rule, for every doubling of distance power decreases 4 fold (I = I x D12/D22 Intensity, Distance 1, Distance 2).

So you can figure out your distance and compare.

Induction cooking stove tops can put out even more especially if your in contact with the cookware nd running multi burners.

I would try just sitting back a bit farther from the machine and only touch the brass cases for insert and removal don't keep your hand on the case or the machine during annealing. Does that help? Otherwise it might be a airborn chemical burn off.

I do believe there is some negative effects to certain EMF exposure especially chronic or acute high exposure. There is research that supports this.

The number one symptoms of acute exposure is headache & brain fog. But that's the same thing for numerous inhalation chems.

The risks likely falls inbetween the extremes out there on the net. It is of interest that almost no health studies or effects were done with the development of the national/world wide cellular tower network. It was an after thought after huge pressure from citizens and a portion of research scientist. But unfortunately the latter has been flood with people with agendas other than following were the science leads. Lots of fraud plagiarism. It's rampant. You really have to have experience and knowledge to wade thru the bs and even still........

Here is a video measuring field strength energy of a induction range of one "burner". It's using a cheap analog unit but it gives a good example of the decreasing energy with distance.

It's a rather large subject to unpackage with lots of alarmist info out there stated as fact.

As I see it a great test for you would be to set yourself up a few feet away from the machine and have someone else run it long enough when you usually get a headache. Maybe your rriend that also gets headaches. That should be far enough away to rule out the EMF as a cause. But still keep you close enough if ither factors are the cause.

If you still get the headache you might be sensitive to something else. Maybe a airborn chemical from the cases being heated. Try running a fan across with an open window see if that has an effect. You have to be aware of confirmation bias and pseudo effect as they are 100% real and accounted for in proper high level research. Still if your getting a headache every time that's a clear signal something is going on.
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So I thought it might have been the fumes from using fired cases... Which is why I switched to cleaning them beforehand. Still feel the effects...Ive noticed that after I'm done with my batch of cases within 15-20 minutes I'm back to normal. I'm certain it's not a smell that's getting me but who knows I could be wrong. Amp knocked it out of the park with these things and I'm not trying to bash them at all. I love mine and I'm definitely not scared of emf...just was curious if it was just me or placebo effect. For sh*ts and giggles I was looking on Amazon and seen different products such as stick on mats that a guy could cover the unit with to block emf emission. Im curious how a guy could actually measure the emissions and if it is even feasible to block it

I have an Amateur Extra Ham license. I did a required quick exposure estimate with my antenna as recommended/required. Even at 1500 watts in just a few feet from the antenna I am within the safety limits.

I use an Annealeez torch type myself.

Edit.....on the last bit.....due to price I can afford not anything else.
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