ATF eForm 4 Reduced Wait Times?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2021
Today I received an email from SilncerCo commenting on reduced eForm 4 wait times. It claimed that a new ATF process will reduce wait times to just a few days or weeks…. They pointed to this article

I'll believe it when I see it. Could be a marketing ploy. Anyone have any insider info?
With the kiosk system, the trust can be set up at the same time and then if one trust per can, trusts are easily adjusted for who can possess. This is what I was told and am going early next week to get mine done.
Yea I think that is the hope that the trusts like the one shot standard trust with just one person can be approved quickly. Then you can add people after the fact.
I think maybe the atf is trying to expedite things so there is no movement to make them over the counter and they lose a major revenue stream. When has any government entity cared about customer service.
The Atf doesn't get to keep the taxes they collect.
$200 per silencer is a "major" revenue stream? The national debt is 35 trillion dollars.
When has any government entity cared about a revenue stream??

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