7PRC AW spec reamer?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Has anyone on here ordered one?

I'd be interested in renting it.

I just hit my 3rd firing on ADG brass and every one so far has had VERY sticky extraction.


I'd just rather borrow or rent than buy to open up one existing chamber.
Why do you think reaming the chamber deeper will solve your problem?
Often a chamber that's too deep, even slightly- can cause sticky primary extraction. Did you check headspace? Are your sure you're not bumping the shoulders back too far? A lot of "things" can cause sticky extraction and you need to rule them out one by one. Don't start reaming out your chamber until you've figured out exactly what's going on.

Better yet-since you didn't chamber the stick to begin with, you should take it back to the smith that did...
Why do you think reaming the chamber deeper will solve your problem?
Often a chamber that's too deep, even slightly- can cause sticky primary extraction. Did you check headspace? Are your sure you're not bumping the shoulders back too far? A lot of "things" can cause sticky extraction and you need to rule them out one by one. Don't start reaming out your chamber until you've figured out exactly what's going on.

Better yet-since you didn't chamber the stick to begin with, you should take it back to the smith that did...
"Clickers"/sticky fired rounds, like Monteria mentions is a well reported issue with 7 prc after a few reloads on a case. Alex and others have remedied it by widening the chamber by .002-.004. Seems to have worked out pretty well from what I see.
Gotcha. OP didn't say it was chambered with a SAAMI spec reamer...
Quite the touchy endeavor to stick a reamer into an existing chamber by hand and not deepen it. If the OP accidentally goes just a few thou too deep it'll need to go back to the smith anyway to be set back.

Anyone manuf a small base die for 7 PRC?
No one ever said by hand. Nor did I say I was going to lengthen the chamber.

That said, I've opened a 300 and 6.5 prc with AW spec reamers by hand and it's the easiest hand reaming I've ever done. No risk of cutting the chamber deeper at all.

To be fare though, had I not hand reamed 357 mag to 357 max, or 22 hornet to 22K hornet in the past, I'd have never attempted. Nor can I think of anything else I would ever put a reamer in by hand.
Nor did I say I was going to lengthen the chamber.
You misread my comment, that's not what I said. I expressed realistic "concern" (as a smith) that it's easy for someone inexperienced (I have no idea of your skills here) to overshoot and deepen the chamber, same as someone lengthening a throat without a reamer stop or uni-throater. Good luck with it.
lengthening a throat without a reamer stop or uni-throater. Good luck with it.

I tried that once, on an old barrel, just to see what was possible. Disaster...

The AW spec reamers in an existing chamber are kinda unique. It's almost impossible to screw it up, so long as you apply zero forward pressure. ALMOST... As soon as the .200 datum is cut, the reamer just spins freely against the shoulder and you are done.

For this particular job, I actually think it would be easier to have an accident on the lathe or I would chuck it up.
For this particular job, I actually think it would be easier to have an accident on the lathe or I would chuck it up.
Yessir- I concur. The reamer will self-center and follow the existing hole; beats spending all that time to set-up/dial in the barrel with no advantage gained in doing so.
I doubt 4D has this reamer, but you might give Fred a call over there.