6.5 PRC and N560

Iron Worker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reno Nevada
My 6.5 PRC is a Bergara Premier Ridgeback 26"bbl Today in the nasty smoky skies above Reno NV, N560 really shinned ( It better, paid $105 bucks for 1 Kilo at local Scheels) Bullet was Hornady A-tip 135grs
4 different powder charges in Hornady brass with Rem 9 1/2 standard primer. Seated to just under magazine length .
54.6 AvG Velocity was 3,020 SD 5.6 1/2 MOA 100yds
56.4grs Avg velocity 3,086 SD of 6.0 and again 1/2 MOA
57.3 Avg velocity 3,151 SD was 10.6
58.2 Avg 3232 AVG 18.8 all groups were 1/2 MOA and under
Hornady A-Tips are fantastic bullets at $75 bucks for a 100,todays shooting was expensive but fun.
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