Which annealing machine do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
Texas Hill Country
I'm wanting to start annealing my brass to help with brass life as well as get more consistent neck tension. I just reload as a hobby and for hunting. Not a competition shooting going thru thousands of rounds. Been looking at the annealeez as it is the most cost effective I have seen so far. I will be focusing my annealing on 28 nosler, 6.5 saum gap 4s, and 308. Will add 270, 243, 22-250, and 223 later. What do you guys recommend?

funny you should ask .....
funny you should ask .....

If I am only doing a hundred or so, I just use a drill and torch. I have an annealeze that works great, but only get it out when doing a high volume of brass in that session.
Made my own with a Bomb air cylinder, 12v gear motor from Amazon and a time relay.Lets me do rimmed cases easily.

I'm wanting to start annealing my brass to help with brass life as well as get more consistent neck tension. I just reload as a hobby and for hunting. Not a competition shooting going thru thousands of rounds. Been looking at the annealeez as it is the most cost effective I have seen so far. I will be focusing my annealing on 28 nosler, 6.5 saum gap 4s, and 308. Will add 270, 243, 22-250, and 223 later. What do you guys recommend?


I had few annealing machines and almost burned my garage with a ton of reloading powder. Switch to AMP first-generation and would never go back. It takes a fraction of time and is more consistent than anything else out there. Consistency = Accuracy.
Annealing: [email protected] (Salt bath) For about $200.00 you can be in with a annealing equipment. They have everything, but the melting pot, which you kept for Lee's I got two of them for my boys. Ballistic Recreations were great to work with. You have to work with it outside.
I researched, read, made cost comparisons, read the thread mentioned several times and in the end, I spent the money to get the AMP. For me the the benefit that outweighed all others was ease and safety of use. I don't have to worry about flames, fumes, pets or kids with the AMP. It's like the Ron Popeil of annealizers. Set it and forget it. Literally takes seconds to switch calibers. I annealed 500 Blackout, 1000 5.56 and 120 6.5CR last weekend and while it took my 2 hours, I know that each piece of brass was done consistently and specifically for that lot's specifications.
I'm wanting to start annealing my brass to help with brass life as well as get more consistent neck tension. I just reload as a hobby and for hunting. Not a competition shooting going thru thousands of rounds. Been looking at the annealeez as it is the most cost effective I have seen so far. I will be focusing my annealing on 28 nosler, 6.5 saum gap 4s, and 308. Will add 270, 243, 22-250, and 223 later. What do you guys recommend?

You might look at the Giraud annealer. I have one and it works very well.
I researched, read, made cost comparisons, read the thread mentioned several times and in the end, I spent the money to get the AMP. For me the the benefit that outweighed all others was ease and safety of use. I don't have to worry about flames, fumes, pets or kids with the AMP. It's like the Ron Popeil of annealizers. Set it and forget it. Literally takes seconds to switch calibers. I annealed 500 Blackout, 1000 5.56 and 120 6.5CR last weekend and while it took my 2 hours, I know that each piece of brass was done consistently and specifically for that lot's specifications.
Good to know that production you can get out of that AMP. I had and will continue to set my sights on that. Thanks for the input.