NEED To watch this guy!!! Tiborasaurusrex


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
North Dakota
I don't know how to link to youtube but If some of you have watched the video series SNIPER 101 on youtube maybe you could link it. His user name is Tiborasuarusrex. Great info and useful stuff in his videos. I know him well and he's a great guy.
I don't know how to link to youtube but If some of you have watched the video series SNIPER 101 on youtube maybe you could link it. His user name is Tiborasuarusrex. Great info and useful stuff in his videos. I know him well and he's a great guy.
I know!! I have watched some of his videos and really like them. Apparently he is finishing college in Dickinson?? I hope to meet him around town.

Lots of info, all of it needed to get to that ELR target. Here is a pic of some of my BAL charts made by him for my custom 6.5 x.284. These things are perfect out to 1400 which is as far as I've tried them. He did every range out to 2000 long hand in ten yard increments. When he gets to the section when he shows how to make them he said he's simplified the system. Just hope I can comprehend it. img025.jpg I used these charts to harvest my whitetail at 908 that is in the trophy photos section of LRH.
Sorry must be minutes, very nice:)

Yes, in minutes. The load used was 6.5x.284 lapua brass, 140 amax, 51 grns of RL17, br2 primer out of a 28" brux 1-8" barrel. The load was hot @ 50 degrees. Way to hot when I used it antelope hunting. But fine for winter hunting. I do not recommend this load!!! I am in the process of loading it down, but these charts were so perfect for this load I didn't want to change.
He hasn't done that vid yet, its in the works. I'll see when it will be out, and let you know.

do you know him personally if so can i have his contact number i would like to ask him some questions and also see if he will set me up with the charts, i use a program that i am more than happy with i just like being able to do everything manluay also. :D
Yea I know him well, the easiest way to get ahold of him is thru his channel. Send him a message. I doubt he will do custom charts for you but he will show how to do your own using his method in that video.
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