Ukrainian sniper kill at 2.36 miles-ballistics?


To the naysayers just imagine you have all day every day to take potshots like the one reported. Chances are you or one of your colleagues will eventually score.

"I do not think that word means what you think it means"
Sorry but I am still laughing at perfectly dialing in the 1779' feet of drop in elevation, lets not even talk about windage.
And why if its real did they make sure the video is far to blurry to see anything?
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To the naysayers just imagine you have all day every day to take potshots like the one reported. Chances are you or one of your colleagues will eventually score.

"I do not think that word means what you think it means"
My brother once pass shot a dove at about 35 yards with a Crosman pump up pellet gun shooting. BBs. Folded him up. I witnessed the shot. We were around 10 at the time.
Also witnessed a girl shoot at a Muskrat sitting on a stump at over 200 yards with a 22 magnum. We had a very bad muskrat problem in the duck ponds. I had the binos on that one. The bullet hit the water 25 yards before reaching the Muskrat, skipped, and hit him right in the head. He never even kicked.
My point is that this is likely one of those one in a million lucky shooter and very unlucky target scenarios that likely couldn't be repeated given 10 more tries.
Sorry but I am still laughing at perfectly dialing in the 1779' feet of drop in elevation, lets not even talk about windage.
And why if its real did they make sure the video is far to blurry to see anything?
Perhaps the same reason Bigfoot pics are the same?
On the other hand how well would you do if you had incoming? I doubt the only fire in the region was 2.36 miles away. That and I don't recall anyone reporting it was a single cold bore shot.
I'm not saying your point isn't valid, just pointing out two different scenarios.
On this very site there is a fellow that shot a 3 shot group at 1965 yards with a 7mm PRC from a rock to a distant rock most would brag about at half that distance. Things happen.
Did anyone get the Princess Bride references?
Perhaps the same reason Bigfoot pics are the same?
On the other hand how well would you do if you had incoming? I doubt the only fire in the region was 2.36 miles away. That and I don't recall anyone reporting it was a single cold bore shot.
I'm not saying your point isn't valid, just pointing out two different scenarios.
On this very site there is a fellow that shot a 3 shot group at 1965 yards with a 7mm PRC from a rock to a distant rock most would brag about at half that distance. Things happen.
Did anyone get the Princess Bride references?
I did! I got the reference!!! 🤣

"As you wiiiiiiish!!!!!!!"
Blurry pictures, does anyone see or witness how many times people who are otherwise competent with equipment have a moment of excitement and might as well be using it for the first time?

I think in our world we have been known to call it Buck Fever... I don't think that is the case here of course.

Propaganda is what it is, grainy incomplete and leaving one unsatisfied .

Lite Beer... anyone?
My brother once pass shot a dove at about 35 yards with a Crosman pump up pellet gun shooting. BBs. Folded him up. I witnessed the shot. We were around 10 at the time.
Also witnessed a girl shoot at a Muskrat sitting on a stump at over 200 yards with a 22 magnum. We had a very bad muskrat problem in the duck ponds. I had the binos on that one. The bullet hit the water 25 yards before reaching the Muskrat, skipped, and hit him right in the head. He never even kicked.
My point is that this is likely one of those one in a million lucky shooter and very unlucky target scenarios that likely couldn't be repeated given 10 more tries.
As a kid my brother and I were pond hopping ducks on a ranch my dad managed. I watched him from across the pond empty out on a flock. After he fired 3 shots I watched him drop his shotgun, pull out his browning 22 pistol and fold up a duck flying by in one shot. Craziest thing I've ever seen. We still talk about it every now and then. It was the most fluid draw, shot and drop I've ever seen. I'm sure he could try that 10,000 times over and not repeat it. So I agree, soooo many factors going into a shot like this.
Absolutely amazing shot with a pistol. And I thought I was doing pretty good with my Glock 45acp the other day shooting three armadillos. At 12 yards. One of which was running. 20 years ago we had none. Now we are overrun with them.
I shot at a coyote today...probably made it crap some...but not harmed...wasn't actually expecting to hit it, would have been amazed had i dropped it.
Probably 350 yards, sitting on my horse, 30-30, iron sights, mean breeze blowing. But there was no chance of collateral damage, so i took the shot. I ligned up dead center on it, then aimed about 2 feet right, and 3 feet high, and squeezed off a shot. Absolutely wild guess of a shot...even the 350 yard estimate is a guess. With nothing to hit but dirt, it was a safe shot, not near anyone, livestock, dogs, or equipment, that's the important thing.
But had I dropped that bugger, guarantee you that I would have been on the radio bragging about the shot of the decade 🤣😂😁