"Its Time"

I may be a skeptic, but I did get a chill reading these stories. My wife who is one of the most logical people I have ever met and firmly believes that there was ghost in our previous house. She had several encounters of a young girl in a spirit form. Very peaceful encounters, but she would appear and disappear after a few seconds. This was a home we built from the ground up. Sometimes there is no logical explanation.
Let's here some of those stories if you don't mind
This was a home we built from the ground up.
Yeah, but what was under the ground? :oops: :p

I may be a skeptic, but I did get a chill reading these stories. My wife who is one of the most logical people I have ever met and firmly believes that there was ghost in our previous house. She had several encounters of a young girl in a spirit form. Very peaceful encounters, but she would appear and disappear after a few seconds. This was a home we built from the ground up. Sometimes there is no logical explanation.
Both of my daughters claim they would see a man in a black top hat, when they were toddlers, walking into our bedroom. Sometimes when they were in their cribs. They weren't together during any of the sights. Neither were scared. They thought my wife and I knew him. Built house from ground up as well. 20 miles from town. Nothing around.
Here is as close as I can come to a Bigfoot story. We had a lease in South Arkansas at Locust Bayou. This isn't very far from Faulk where the Bigfoot movie was made. One of my daughters shot (wounded) a deer right before dark. Those are some really big and very thick woods. We gathered a Posse of a couple of very experienced hunters and their wives, a shotgun and a couple of flashlights. We trailed the deer a few hours or so. The lights were getting dim and suddenly we were all aware that we were being followed. Whatever it was it made no attempt to be quiet. Pretty sure it wanted to be noticed. When we would stop, so would it. Everyone agreed that it sounded two legged, not 4 and was heavier than us. There are a lot of large Black Bears there. They are not hunted and not afraid of man. Whatever it was all the hair on everyone's neck was standing straight up and we all felt like we were being stalked by something just at the edge of the light. We ended up losing the deer and never went back in there after dark with flashlights and one gun. We started taking big rechargeable lights and everyone armed. Bigfoot or Bear? Don't guess it matters. We were in danger and knew it. I think it wanted and got our deer. One thing I do know, the lights ran out and we had to make our way out in the dark. It followed us a little ways and left us. We were scared too, but it leaving us made us all think it was a large predator that left us and went after the wounded deer we were after. I don't think a black Bear would do that but who knows. That is the only time I've been afraid in the woods light or dark. And I was with two great hunters, two good ones, and my child. We all felt it too. Weird. Guess it could have been a drunk Game warden, but it seems like it was a Pheromone thing that set off the fear. Only thing I can compare it to was a friend from Alaska had a pet wolf that he caught and raised from a pup. It would stalk its way up to you and stand flat footed and lick you in the face. It would create that exact same feeling when it approached. Weird?
Here is as close as I can come to a Bigfoot story. We had a lease in South Arkansas at Locust Bayou. This isn't very far from Faulk where the Bigfoot movie was made. One of my daughters shot (wounded) a deer right before dark. Those are some really big and very thick woods. We gathered a Posse of a couple of very experienced hunters and their wives, a shotgun and a couple of flashlights. We trailed the deer a few hours or so. The lights were getting dim and suddenly we were all aware that we were being followed. Whatever it was it made no attempt to be quiet. Pretty sure it wanted to be noticed. When we would stop, so would it. Everyone agreed that it sounded two legged, not 4 and was heavier than us. There are a lot of large Black Bears there. They are not hunted and not afraid of man. Whatever it was all the hair on everyone's neck was standing straight up and we all felt like we were being stalked by something just at the edge of the light. We ended up losing the deer and never went back in there after dark with flashlights and one gun. We started taking big rechargeable lights and everyone armed. Bigfoot or Bear? Don't guess it matters. We were in danger and knew it. I think it wanted and got our deer. One thing I do know, the lights ran out and we had to make our way out in the dark. It followed us a little ways and left us. We were scared too, but it leaving us made us all think it was a large predator that left us and went after the wounded deer we were after. I don't think a black Bear would do that but who knows. That is the only time I've been afraid in the woods light or dark. And I was with two great hunters, two good ones, and my child. We all felt it too. Weird. Guess it could have been a drunk Game warden, but it seems like it was a Pheromone thing that set off the fear. Only thing I can compare it to was a friend from Alaska had a pet wolf that he caught and raised from a pup. It would stalk its way up to you and stand flat footed and lick you in the face. It would create that exact same feeling when it approached. Weird?
Very weird.

Makes you wonder what's out there.

Thanks for sharing that.
Very weird.

Makes you wonder what's out there.

Thanks for sharing that.
Can't say what it was because none of us saw it. We did hear it, and the weird part is how we felt it. same for us all and very difficult to explain to someone who has not felt that feeling. I'm going to go with a drunk Game warden in Waders. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Fun thread. I personally don't think bigfoots exist. Not saying all who think they seen one didn't. But with millions of cameras in the woods and millions of hunters in the woods and hikers and campers their is not much in the way of good photos. My game cameras takes pics so clear you can see their whiskers and eyelashes. How these cameras can't see something 10 ft tall and 4 ft wide weighing 400 pounds is beyond me. They must have to eat alot for them being so large so you would think they would spend a ton of time hunting for food. In snowy terrain you would see tracks everywhere. You should be able to cut some tracks and follow them right home and get your pics. Why hasn't anyone followed their tracks. Something this big should have tracks everywhere. Pretty much every single piece of dna that people said was bigfoot have been found out to be cattle or horse or a popular game animal. When scientist come out and say yes they are real and we have one in possession and it's a bigfoot then I will believe they are real.
shep, I have to think of it like this. In my lifetime I have seen evidence of a total of 1 live Jaguar in the US (Arizona). That was a clear picture on the internet, taken by a predator hunter that called it in. To me, and others, this is compelling evidence they exist in Arizona. To what numbers and what extent in neighboring states no idea. I have seen more evidence of Bigfoot. Somehow the evidence of the Jaguar is compelling but that of bigfoot is not?
There are new stories on HowToHunt that have US government scientist saying that they have proof....and that the CIA is in charge of keeping the info from being open to the public.....very much overstepping a public funded government office....and that funds are allocated thru 'black monies' granted by congress....
Look up 'Edgar' info on HTH.....
There are new stories on HowToHunt that have US government scientist saying that they have proof....and that the CIA is in charge of keeping the info from being open to the public.....very much overstepping a public funded government office....and that funds are allocated thru 'black monies' granted by congress....
Look up 'Edgar' info on HTH.....
Makes you wonder what they are hiding? Wouldn't it be wild if it turned out conspiracy theorists were right and they are the resident species and we are alien? Wow that would turn everything upside down and inside out. We have been lied to so much I would believe anything and nothing at the same time. Hate it.
You guys ever hear about the Dyatlov Pass incident?
The one where
The real question....are we being told the truth about anything...still didn't release Kennedys killer...

Dyatlov Pass....the students in Russia that were found dead?
Isn't that the one where the Russian brown bears came out of hibernation in the dead of winter and tore those kids to pieces?
The one where

Isn't that the one where the Russian brown bears came out of hibernation in the dead of winter and tore those kids to pieces?
They never gave bears as a COD or I remember correctly. Some had radiation burns others looks like they were hit by a truck and so forth

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