Behind enemy lines in CA. Need to escape. Need help

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So then the bottom line is we need to do our part and get out to vote for the lesser of the evils as well as encourage other like minded people to do the same ?
So then the bottom line is we need to do our part and get out to vote for the lesser of the evils as well as encourage other like minded people to do the same ?
And get conservative views equally represented in our education system. Us voting good people in now is only a temporary control measure if the next generation believes the liberal doctrine as truth . Think about the history we learned in school and how strongly we believe those things we were taught . Now imagine those things erased from our children's history books. Replaced with, in a nutshell, " America BAD ". That is what we are faced with.
And by all means, spend time with your school age children, talking about it. Or if your children are grown and have blessed you with grand children, plead with your kids to pay attention to what is going on with your grand kids .
This age of technology had created a perfect storm , where our kids, and us to, find it too easy to let the cell phone apps control our lives. They are stealing our kids right under our noses. We have to get our kids away from the face plant and twerker , and teach them the values the schools no longer teach , or we loose .
It's not another ' anti gun law issue '
it needs to be addressed as a ' public safety issue ' .
If safe and secure measures we're taken at all of these public places these deranged violent people would not be able to target these public places the way they are doing now.
I'll guarantee you that if they had to go thru a check station with scanners like at the airports we wouldn't be having these problems and the anti gun politicians couldn't keep blaming it on guns.
I don't know if Russia is behind the US's ideological shift to the left but if you watch this 35 year old video from former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov, it will lay out exactly what has and is happening currently in the United States.

I don't know if Russia is behind the US's ideological shift to the left but if you watch this 35 year old video from former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov, it will lay out exactly what has and is happening currently in the United States.

That's downright prophetic, not just for the United States or America but western society in its entirety. Thanks for sharing this. What an honourable and credible man to hear this from. It's terrible what's happening up here in Canada right now too, our leadership would brand it's own people as bigots, as ignorant, as islamaphobes, xenophobes, racists, hate criminals and so on, not for committing any act or uttering any word of hate but simply for being afraid of what's going to happen here in the name of politically correct "tolerance" (also, when did disagreement become a synonym for intolerance?). We're planning to homeschool our kids - I've currently got two boys under the age of two, and I'm greatly disturbed to think what nonsense would be pumped into their heads. It's good to be honest about cultural ills and historic wrongdoings, and the thing is that western society is about the only type of society that actually does this and tolerated this, now to the point that it's self critical and no longer celebrates what makes (or made) our nations the best places for human life on earth in history ever. It's somehow not acceptable to criticize or even acknowledge the problems of any society except our own. To criticize any religion except the Christianity we're much endebted to. Even the triumph of scientific inquiry is being lost, in no small part because we can't tell anyone what they believe is wrong even if the evidence is overwhelming. There was a case of polio somewhere last year. Freaking polio! My dad was born in 1950, had friends who almost died because of polio, vaccinations had since eliminated the scourge, but now, because we need to respect all beliefs (respect meaning not even confront, discuss frankly, or ask questions about), preventable diseases are making a comeback.

This is all highly distressing. It's truly shocking to me how so many "educated" people are flatly unwilling to consider history, that these things our present culture loves to criticize are the very things that make possible a society of free people who can criticize their heritage.

Don't give an inch
I have never believed that the cold war ended with the down fall of the Russian Government KGB said the best thing that ever did to disrupt the United States was called Green Peace
I dont know if its Russia, or China, or any country per say. I do know there are certain very wealthy individuals who's life mission is to topple democracy. I also know they are MAJOR contributors to the left and have been for years. I personally think Russia is a patsey to divert attention from the real threat . Notice how Russia is always to blame anytime the left wants to place fault?
China, on the other hand, practically owns Hollywood. The same people that try to crush our presidents relevance at every awards extravaganza. Silicon valley is working hand in hand with China on projects to monitor its people's day to day existence through technology. Joe Biden stands before the nation and God on national TV and says " China is no threat ". Liberals are squalling at the top of their lungs about the trade tariffs and how they are killing the farmers. Funny how they have never cared about our great food growers before.
Just food for thought while we are chewing on all this.
Amen. Sadly though, we dont vote teachers in. And if the teachers can sway our youth in the direction of anti- everything we hold dear, then it's our children who will decide who holds our offices in the future.

Our children think their parents are stupid until they get out on their own compared to there teacher so we must pay attention to what they think and give them real world examples. I recently had a conversation with one of my granddaughters that Is liberal and though that free stuff was the responsibility of our government. So i ask her, where do you think the money comes from. when I told her off the backs of the middle class and when she gets her check and sees how much is being taken out all ready with more to come with every give away program, the light came on and she was astounded.

So those that are raising kids need to pay close attention to there teachings. It is also amazing how little history they know.
Don't get me started

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I dont know if its Russia, or China, or any country per say. I do know there are certain very wealthy individuals who's life mission is to topple democracy. I also know they are MAJOR contributors to the left and have been for years. I personally think Russia is a patsey to divert attention from the real threat . Notice how Russia is always to blame anytime the left wants to place fault?
Don't worry a Democracy will destroy itself; thank God we're a Constitutional Republic,,,,,,,,,, well.......... at least we were; now we're a constitutional democracy......... not good!
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