New Varmint Gun


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2015
I have a donor Rem 700 SA and a McMillan A3 that have been asking to be built into a varmint gun. I do handload but I don't burn it up over prairie dog towns. I mainly hunt coyotes, foxes and small hogs when they make the mistake of showing up.

Recommendations on barrel length/contour/cartridge/twist. Bullet weights of 55 to 62gr mainly I think.

I was leaning towards .220 swift or 22/250 or the Ackley versions.

What are your recommendations if you were building a 'weekend warrior' varmint gun?
I've had really good experiences with the 22-250. The rifle I have now is a Tikka Varmint and it's a tack driver. It's got a 14 twist barrel. If I was building one I would go with a faster twist so that I could shoot heavier bullets. (I shoot 55 gr now)
22-250 ackley 26" barrel .7-.75 at the muzzle. If all you are going to shoot is 55-62 gr a 1-12" will do but a 1-9" or 1-8" will allow you to shoot up to 80 grain vlds. That's my plan when this barrel is toast on my current 22-250 ackley. Biggest downside to the swift is brass availability. Lapua makes 22-250 brass.
Thanks for the input! I've also heard issues with .220 swift feeding in addition to brass shortage. I do have about 150rds of .243 brass laying around and as I go back through varmint threads I'm reading about the 22-243 and 22-243 middlestead. Does anyone have experience with either, pros or cons?
I currently have a 22-250 with a 12 twist 22" barrel straight taper .75" at the muzzle. It does everything well the accuracy is excellent the shorter length and the contour make it very ridged. Short enough that it really handles well yet still don't feel that I have lost much velocity. Make it an ackley and I think you can have your cake and eat it to. Don't ignore the 53gr V-max ether they have very good BC plus there light enough you can push em fast which helps flatten the trajectory at shorter ranges which allows me to sight in at 200 or 250 that way I don't even worry about holding over till I think he's over 300.
...Don't ignore the 53gr V-max ether they have very good BC plus there light enough you can push em fast which helps flatten the trajectory at shorter ranges...

Second that, on the 53 grainers! If you are wanting bullets in the 50-60 gr range the BC of the 53 gr V-Max is hard to beat. Got them to shoot good with a 12 twist 22-250. (we're at 6000' asl).
Thanks for the feedback guys- I think with all the components I have around and lots of 243 brass, etc I am going to chamber this up in 22-243. Gonna look at 1-8" twist and probably a 26" barrel.

Bought a pile of 75 and 80gr bullets that were on sale at cabelas to give this thing a whirl.
I think that will be an excellent choice I have been thinking for awhile now that I would like to try the 22-243 maybe when the 250 barrel goes I will give it a try.
I have a Wampus Kitty. close to the Middlestead but with 35 degree shoulder instead of the 30 degree of the Middlestead. Die are available thru Redding. Will hold 3 more grains than a 22-243. Mine is a SA 700 with a 28 inch shilen barrel, and muzzle brake, don't remember twist. Will shoot one ragged hole all day long. (100yrds). Whatever you decide have fun.
I have owned custom rifles in 22-243 and 22-243AI. I'd suggest that you don't try either one of these cartridges because they are hopelessly addictive. :D

If you do - definitely go with a fast twist. I personally don't like extreme twist rifles so had an 8 twist on both. 80gr bullets shoot great in an 8.
It is really hard to beat a standard 22-250. For what you are doing mostly shooting coyotes I would make it a 7 or 8 twist and shoot heavy 75gr Amax up to the 90gr vlds. Sometimes those coyotes like to hang up just out of reach but a heavy wind defying bullet can cure that.
22-243 Sounds like an interesting piece....

I've had my 22-250AI for 2 years now... Rem 700 Action, HS Stock, 1:8 Hart barrel finished at 27". Getting a Brake installed as I type this. Just got back from rat shooting with a bunch of buddies and after spending some time over my buddies 22-47Lapua I realized a brake would be way more fun. Conquest 6.5-20. Shoot 39 grains of H414 with a 75 A Max on top at 3410... Gun is an absolute blast... Thats my .02 cents
If the bolt in your Rem 700 fits a 22-250 I would go for that. If it is the 223 size I would go with a 204 Ruger.

A 40-grain bullet fired from a 204 Ruger at 3900 fps will be traveling faster, and have more residual energy at 500 yards than a 50-grain bullet fired from a 22-250 at 3800 fps. This also translates to the 204 Ruger having a flatter trajectory and less wind drift… and the 204 Ruger cartridge does it with considerably less powder, longer barrel life, and less noise.

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