New From NOVA

Hello all....been reading the forum for a few months. Lots of great info...hopefully I won't derail too much! But little about me...former Marine, grew up in Iowa, went to Iraq 3 times. Finally got bit by the hunting bug...during COVID went through the Hunter Safety program here in VA. VA also has a mentor program for the adult onset hunters like myself. Finally got my first deer last weekend. So gonna start trying to do more. Anyway....thanks for letting me lurk for a few months.

Welcome to the forum from Tennessee
I did not start hunting till the age of 35 myself. Got my biggest deer so far this year!
Old Rooster: Don't have a favorite per say...but the 6.5 grendel that I assembled is leading the pack! And yes to the 2nd question....but I haven't hunted hogs yet but not sure if you can in Va....something I'll have to look into.
Andy, do you reload?If so the 6.5 Grendel opens up a whole new world.
Rooster...yep...although I hadn't gotten around to it for the Grendel...used the Barnes VOR-TX rifle ammo for this deer. But that's next on the harvest an animal with some of my own ammo. And yep FFF....butchered the hindquarters yesterday....doing the front quarters later today. I know understand why processing places are so popular. haha And Arnold...small world. We might have just missed each other. I was in Iraq 03, 04 and 06.

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