Let's share some of our Favorite Dog Stories:

Rescued Drahthaar Wirehaired Pointer

I would like to share a story with you that I experienced a few years ago.

First, my dog of preference has always been German Shorthaired Pointers, love them. Approx. 35 years ago my favorite girl was stolen from me and between having my heart broken and raising a family, never got another one. I also stopped bird hunting, just no passion.

Recently, the interest in hunting birds again woke up and I started thinking about a dog.

A good friend of mine, Jon, is a semi pro trainer that has two beautiful Drathaars (Wirehair Pointer) that I fell in love with. He called me back in January about a local 4 YO Drahthaar that might become available because the owner was not happy with how she hunted.

As I understand it, he spent over $3700 to buy her, then another $3000 plus training her. He expected to pay someone else to train the dog and never put any effort into bonding with the dog. Anyone that has ever worked with a bird dog knows, it is allot of work and mutual respect has to be established! Apparently, he did not understand this.

He gave up on her because she would only retrieve birds that he shot on his right side, birds shot and downed on his left side she would not go after???

We let him know I was interested and would like to see the dog.

For about 5 plus months, after repeated phone calls and text messages, he finally called my friend to see if I was still interested. He also sent a few photos of her and my heart broke. How someone could let a dog go like this is beyond me? Her hair was matted to the point she had Dread Locks :(

Of course, the timing was terrible because we had just gotten a 4 month old Golden Retriever puppy, ----.....

My wife and I talked it over and decided to go look at the dog. I told myself, "I need to get this dog away from this guy, she did not deserve to be mistreated like this!"

When we arrived to see the dog, my heart shank, my god what a mess. She had an infected fly bite on her ear that was bleeding and swollen up into a knot. Told the wife I was taking her, worst case I would find her a good home that she would be cared for.

The owner gave me her papers that showed she came from a very good line and highly respected breeder here in So Cal. Her shots were out of date and she was filthy, cover in mud and dirt.

I took her for a walk to the end of the street to a vacant lot alongside a river bed, walked with the leash on Heel. When I released her in the lot, to my surprise, her nose went to the ground and quartered from left to right in front of me. Called her back, she immediately came to my side. I was sold right on the spot!

Got back to my truck and told him I would like to take her and he said take her! I asked how much and got back "nothing, she's worthless, hope she works for you." Amazing

Opened the tail gate and the crate door, tapped the gate and said "Kennel", she leaped up and into the crate like she did it every day, wow (I have a high 4WD truck).

On the way home I told the wife we are changing her name to help her forget about this horrible experience, so we changed her name from Abby to Dixie. Dixie was the name of my Grandfather's favorite English Pointer and I wanted honor him.

We got her home that night and took her to our walk in shower for a bath. My son helped me get her ready for the bath, when I spread her feet with the warm water to make sure she wouldn't panic, she just stood there with the relieved look on her face. Never tried to get away, never resisted. We had to wash her three times to get the dirt out.

On Tuesday we took her to the groomer to have her basically shaved (no way to save her coat) before going to the vet. The groomer told us she was buried and didn't have time today, maybe Wednesday. I explained that we just rescued her and could not take this dog to the vet like this. We asked her to come look at the dog. When I opened the truck door, she gasped and said "OMG, bring her in, I will take care of this"

We left her there for about 4 hours and was shocked at the difference in her when we picked her up. She told us that because we rescued her we were getting a big discount.

Later we took her to vet for shots and check up. Vet said she was overall healthy and gave her some antibiotics to clear up her skin problems and ear infection.

We gave her a new bed, I don't believe she ever had one, and she sleeps alongside our bed at night. She has only had one accident in the house. Every morning, she gets up with me and we go outside for her to do her business. This is from a dog that has never been in a house!

Along with her papers was sheet with all her commands that she had been trained with. Admittedly, she is a little rusty, nobody had worked with her in over a year. Her training is coming back now and I am proud to say so far she is one of the calmest and well behaved German Birddogs I have ever been around!

On the following Sunday, we took her to Prado Dam to work with my trainer buddy and some other dog owners.

What a wonderful experience meeting the other handlers and dog lovers. We took Dixie into the field to work her on a few planted birds and for a dog that had been pinned up in dirty back yard, she did fantastic! John and I were both very pleased with her performance. We feel it is going to take very little work to bring her back to where she should be.

The following pictures are the ones I was sent by the previous owner before she was groomed and from her first duck hunt with me. She watched the sky constantly
Meet Dixie......View attachment 137549 View attachment 137550

I am very very proud to say "I think she is very happy with us and we have fallen in love with her!"

In closing, I would like to say "If you have a dog (or any pet), it should be part of your family, if not, you don't deserve it and the animal does not deserve to be subjected to you!"


I am VERY happy that you were able to RESCUE your Miss Dixie and no doubt she Loves and Appreciates you and your family as well!
You are to be commended for having such a huge heart to take her in, care for her and see that she is, and will remain, in good health and home.
You, Sir, have my RESPECT for what you did, as do all others who step up, reach out and care for abused animals.
I, too, am a hunter but NEVER could I allow an abused animal to be so poorly mistreated as that wonderful creature.
May you BOTH have many years of happiness and friendship together.
Great stories guys, we love our dogs.

I had my right knee replaced 2 years ago this month. While doing the rehab they gave me this machine to exercise my knee. I would lay on the bed for an hour three times a day. The machine would raise and lower my leg bending. Each day I would increase the amount of bend and speed. Not the most comfortable thing I have ever done, but not that bad.

The only time Dixie got on the bed was during these exercises, she was always right there with me, she was making sure i did them so we could go dove hunting in a couple of months.
Knee 2.jpeg

Try to eat watermelon without her, ain't happ'n, lol Got to share every other bite. When we go dove hunting, that is her treat when we get back the truck, ice cold watermelon

My daughter'n'law had this made for my tailgate. Couldn't agree more.
I was hunting with a good friend and his new German Shorthair. This dog was still in the training phase, and had little field time. He did keep his nose to the ground, but that day the only thing he would hunt, and find, were field mice! I was teasing my friend how he had a pretty good mouse dog on his hands. Sadly, that dog developed serious health problems and had to be put down less than a year later. I have only had the chance to hunt with dogs about a half dozen times. I will say that I got more enjoyment watching the dogs work than I did in shooting pheasants.
Randy, Have my 82 pound male drahthaar by my side as I type this. He'll turn 3 this fall. Been around about 30 of them now, and they all hunt. Obviously some better than others but I would take #30 happily. Bane has hunted a bunch with me and we make a good team. Betting you and Dixie have some great hunts this year.

Anyone else gets a chance to rescue a Drahthaar, do it. They are hunting machines. Just need a loving home to live in.
A ftiend of mine in Cody has one. It and my Chessapeake didnt get along though. His is a good bird dog.
This one I have now is a rescue dog from the pound after my trusted companion Hank passed away. Hes a lab doberman cross. He is thee most energetic, loving dog I've ever owned. At 2 he's still learning. He has a habit of pushing his nose into you for attention. One evening we let him out and kind of forgot he was out so I go to the door to let him in. The wife was already in bed in nothing but a long T shirt. The dogs adores her. As i open the door he excitedly bounces his way in but I notice several porcupine quills sticking straight out from his nose. I call to the wife to come pull the quills while i hold him. Well mom steps out of the bedroom and Walker sees mom. He's so excited to see her he makes a beeline straight for her and starts nudging her almost nude backside with his face of quills. She starts running a running around the kitchen table knocking chairs over to slow down the needle nose dog. I'm laughing so hard I cant see through the tears while the amorous pup chases mom around the house a couple times. It was the funniest show you've ever seen
To continue Dixie's Story:

On her first Dove hunt near Blyth CA, we were shooting birds on the first morning. Most of them hit the ground about 20-25 yards out.

Without exception, I would send her for the bird, she would bring it back to me and drop in my hand after given the "Out" command.

About half way thru the morning, I hit one the cupped its wings and went on a glide. It hit the ground about 50 yards out and bounced. So I knew it was dead, no hurry to retrieve.

I sent her, she dropped her nose at about 20 yards out and started working back and forth, she could smell the birds she picked up earlier in that area.

I tried to get her to go farther out, but she kept looking for one there. So I got up and headed out, when I got to her she wouldn't come with me to get the bird. Thought to myself "Ok, I'll give you a pass on this one"

When I got to the bird, I picked it up and turned to go back to my shooting stool only to find her sitting behind with a bird in her mouth? First thing I thought was she found one I didn't realize went down or she found someone's old kill.

About that time, I seen my hunting partner laughing his --- Off! I asked what was so funny. He told me the second I walked away from her, she came running over to him. When she didn't think I was watching, she stole one of my birds and brought it to you!

I knelled down, Put my hand out and said "OUT", then she got a big GOD GIRL! I put the bird in my bird bag and headed for my stool. Keith yelled "Hey that's my bird" Told him nope, my girl retrieved it, its mine. Never gave it to him.

To this day, the only one that can get a bird from her is me. I think my son got her to give him one, only because he grabbed her.

Just to prove she is my dog, took her for a walk awhile back to the park. All of a sudden she went on point. What the heck was she pointing? Look close, she was pointing beer bottles. YUP, she's my dog...... LOL

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I love this dog! I will never be with out one again.

Jon's father once told him "God only let's dogs live a short time so we will have the opportunity to enjoy more of them in a life time!"
Both great stories. The first I started to tear up... :( I took my Chessapeak to Prado dam when he was six months old. My cousin and his high dollar lab were with me. He trains dogs. My dog had never been in any deep water. He retrieved everything and held it. My dog would stay until dead bird command. My cousins dog would swim out and not grab bumper and come back. When it did it would drop it instead of hold. He was so pizzed off. I had a good laugh all day.
Be careful. Prado lakes are polluted. Stagnet. I'm sure you have smelled them. I told my cousin the dogs are going to get garrdia. They did. I have not been back since. Too far and don't need to anyway. Sooo good to hear about Dixie ! My Chessie's name is Whiskey.
This one I have now is a rescue dog from the pound after my trusted companion Hank passed away. Hes a lab doberman cross. He is thee most energetic, loving dog I've ever owned. At 2 he's still learning. He has a habit of pushing his nose into you for attention. One evening we let him out and kind of forgot he was out so I go to the door to let him in. The wife was already in bed in nothing but a long T shirt. The dogs adores her. As i open the door he excitedly bounces his way in but I notice several porcupine quills sticking straight out from his nose. I call to the wife to come pull the quills while i hold him. Well mom steps out of the bedroom and Walker sees mom. He's so excited to see her he makes a beeline straight for her and starts nudging her almost nude backside with his face of quills. She starts running a running around the kitchen table knocking chairs over to slow down the needle nose dog. I'm laughing so hard I cant see through the tears while the amorous pup chases mom around the house a couple times. It was the funniest show you've ever seen

OMG, that would be funny........
My coyote hunting partner Buckwheat , a southern blackmouth curr , .I got him when he was 8 weeks old out of Mississippi . We hunted and trapped coyote and fox together for 14 years . Then one August day we were out on a stand I howled and about 6 coyote pups howled back . Buckwheat came back in stopped beside me looked at me then went and loaded up in the truck . He let me know he decided he was old enough and tired enough that he didn't want to deal with that many coyote pups and that he was retiring . We hunted together for 2 more years before he passed but he wouldn't work the coyote again just stayed close and worked as a decoy near me .
Darry, In my lifetime (65 years), I have shot more birds than I can count. I enjoy hunting them and shooting them.

But given choice between shooting and watching a good dog, easy choice. I will choose to watch every time.
I would agree, but for the sanity of these dogs they need to be able to do some retrieving too. I am not a great wing shot. Some days go okay, some terrible. But he lights up when he gets to root out pheasants or quail after I drop them. Its like his proudest moment retrieving them to me.
I have a blue lacy named "J" since he was a little pup, I took him with me and shot 22 to get him used to shooting. after he was about 2 years old took him dove hunting for the first time. I shot a bird and he fell in some briers, told "J" go get him, he ran to the bird and pawed the briers, got the dove and brought him back. I told him to drop him, bird dropped at my feet. He retrieved every one the rest of the hunt. My friend was amazed that a dog like that, with no training could do that. J even moaned when we missed. He loves to hunt. will get a squirrel before he hits the ground. He goes nuts anytime I get a gun out.
Well my boys are Fritz the Rottweiler and Bingo a Pit Bull. OK one night about 3:45
they start raising Cain! I thought coons in the trash so I fire them up and turn them out. I hear yelling for Help! Seem that 2 of the local meth heads wanted to clean out my tool shed? The boys ran them up a tree and they were scared! I was ANGRY to say the least! Momma called the Sheriff and I got the Farm Boss and told them I was cutting the tree and they could fight my dogs! They were crying and begging me not to.
While the Pit Bull was chewing the bark off the tree. In case they were armed I took my M-4 but didn't need it with those cowards? Sheriff came ..We had a laugh and he took them away in handcuffs...Never saw them again..?
Steal these guys..Good luck! ..My sign says "Stay in Car..Sound Horn"....
I like Aggressive dogs!.. I'm zoned A-1 these dogs wouldn't work in town....
I can't believe you have a rott name Fritz!!! That was the name of my old rott. Now I have a Boerboel , that just turn two. He's a big boy that also does not like strangers !!! This is a photo at 14 months


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