Bias in the ELR Central reporting of the "World Record Event"?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 46119
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Deleted member 46119

I am not grumpy, angry or otherwise overly upset about what appears to be bias in the reporting of the "World Record Event". I feel I predicted it when I said I didn't like the "rules" or format.

I am familiar how "articles" for online or paper magazines get published.

The "publisher" will accept articles from almost anyone because paying to have the articles written is a huge cost.

The below article was most likely written by someone from Applied Ballistics/ELR Central.

Why would I say such a thing! Blasphemy.

Not at all.

There is no mention of who contributed the article. If that is revealed, I am willing to retract my opinion and statement that the reporting is bias.

The "winner" is Nate Statler with 3 hits cold bore at one mile "ish" (1768 yards). ELR Central declares this a new "record".


The "reporter" in the referenced article spends most if her/his time writing about Paul Phillips and John Armstrong who "tied" for a "record" at 1500 yards.

ELR Rule 27,
ELR Central Rule 27.png

In the below article, the new distance "record holder", Nate Slatler is almost ignored by the writer who spends most of the verbiage extolling the accomplishments or Applied Ballistics team member Paul Phillips.

@DocUSMCRetired never really addressed concerns raised in

Not worth any kind of ****ing match so please don't go there. I would however love to hear "opinions" of whether you thing the reporting is biased. Remember Paul Philips is listed as 1st "record holder" despite rule 27.
Man your bias is off the charts, are you just trying to ruin a shoot for someone, I saw nothing biased, if a guy wanted to talk about his gun they talked about it if not they said little.
If you don't like the AB team go shoot against them and prove it, I know guys who are trying to do just that and have yet to see them on any forum whining and they actually shoot!!
It doesn't look too bad. There is a slight spin on the event. It should have been about Nate with them in the background but thats how it goes. He had the record in the first match and second match. Sounds like a good whoopin on everyone else.
I would have liked to see how many competitors and other specific wind info of the event

Congrats to Nate! Great job under tricky conditions.
I don't see anything wrong with that article? Paul made the first record attempt, John then tied it later in the day. I don't see any issues with how the article is written?
Man your bias is off the charts, are you just trying to ruin a shoot for someone, I saw nothing biased, if a guy wanted to talk about his gun they talked about it if not they said little.
If you don't like the AB team go shoot against them and prove it, I know guys who are trying to do just that and have yet to see them on any forum whining and they actually shoot!!
This sounds like the beginning of a ****ing match. Let's see where it goes.

1. I have no emotional interest in anyone from Applied Ballistics, the shooting team, ELR Central or any other shooting organization.
2. I believe credit is due where credit is due.
3. I am very happy Applied Balistics/ELR Cenral held the event. Even taking into consideration that shooters where there instead of at the event where I was "Match Director".
4. I respect the fortitude, determination and participation of everyone who attended "First ELR Central Long Range Record Match" as a match worker, spectator, family or competitor.

I did not watch the video, I was only referring to written words so please don't quote anything from the video, I have not seen it.

I am asking a question about the bias of who ever wrote the words, not stating my "bias".

I can't have a bias in the article as I didn't write it. Of course I have a bias in reporting what I see in the article it as I feel Nate should have gotten top billing as the "new record holder".

I see bias in the written word as reference to Nate Statler making the shots according to the rules and becoming the "record holder" by rule 27 is down played and the listing of "finish order" for the match is 1. Paul Phillips, 2. John Armstrong, 3. Nate Statler. Just seems weird to me like their rules seem weird to me.

IMO the published reporting of the finishing in an unbiased fashion should be.

"First ELR Central Long Range Record Match" new record holder and match champion is 1. Nate Statler 3 consecutive shots from cold bore at 1768 yards, 2. Paul Phillips with the first 3 consecutive shots from cold bore at 1500 yards, 3. John Armstrong tied with Paul Phillips with 3 consecutive shots from cold bore at 1500 yards. Note: Paul is listed before John solely based on his string preceding Johns.

Do you see bias in the written word?
I don't see anything wrong with that article? Paul made the first record attempt, John then tied it later in the day. I don't see any issues with how the article is written?
That's fine. Like I said, I want opinions and discussion.

Opinion wise, for me, should have been more about Nate.

BTW: I don't know and have never met any of these guys.
I watched the video...... and I believe it just wasn't filmed in a proper format. Seemed liked they had no real thought in how to film the event, and just rolled into filming the three guys period.

I don't think just because one guy is vocal and has something to say about his equipment in front of a cameraman means he's attempting to take all the glory. Nate just didn't say much...... even in the end the guys filming had to ask him "what .375"?
I don't think just because one guy is vocal and has something to say about his equipment in front of a cameraman means he's attempting to take all the glory.
Please read it again. It's not about the video. There is nothing biased in the video. Paul is more experienced in front of the camera. No problem.

It's not about the video. It's about the written word.
I read it again, and the writer just states whom placed the first 3 for 3 hits, (Paul) then later that day a tie for John....... but then goes on to say "But the best performance of all came later. Nate Statler, shooting a .375 CheyTac, nailed his three shots at over one mile — 1768 yards. Congratulations to Nate!"

The writer even highlighted in black his win at 1768 yards....... it's written as who made the first 3/3 at 1500, then the tie, and then Nate who placed a (New Record) at distance, 1768. Nothing is perfect..... and the writer just states the results as he thought about it in his head and typed away?
Media is a difficult thing-We tend to gravitate towards who we know, and the extroverts. Something like 50% + of communication is non verbal. Getting a sense of proportion to your remarks from a 1000 miles away is difficult at first, even as you repeatedly try to to do so.

I've kind of viewed the event in a non linear, shotgun style. Watched some of the live feed, some Facebook comments, and going back to check in today. If asked to write a report it would have my bias in it.

I did enjoy the Facebook comment, jokingly inferring AB was getting help from the space station.

I would likely have been over the top reporting on the guy with the SWFA scope, and 7STW, not some of the equipment stuck in my mind not the man's name. I'll have to go back and remedy that. In the live feed I saw, had he been more comfortable there was opportunity for him to get more attention. Guessing it was more his style, than something imposed by the reveiwer.
If anything about that is interesting...... is John using a Remington 700 in 7mmSTW and a S.S. scope vs. a 35 lbs. barreled action, and a 400 gr. bullet!

Basically a sub-average hunting rifle vs. a full blown ELR rig, and John tied Paul at 1,500 yards using his basic equipment..... That deserves more attention in a lot of ways?
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