Your Fur Rifle and load: Coyote, Fox, and Bobcats

Calib: My son did pretty well on the few coyotes he shot with the 58 grain V-max out of his Ackley but he never put one on the shoulder. Judging from the terminal performance on jacks (total devastation on the lines of a .20 cal 32 gr V-max), I think it may be a little too fragile. They may splash on those quartering-on shoulder shots. Ballistic Tips are a little tougher than the V-max so I imagine they might make it through a coyote in a 70 grainer. The construction of the 55 grain BT would probably be closer to the 65 gr V-max. It's a pretty fine line we walk trying to keep the bullet inside a coyote without splashing. We'll see. Field testing is the fun part! gun)
I use a triple deuce on the coyotes around here. My partner likes the .22-250 for hares.


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This Fall after Deer Season I'm going to spend most of the season consintrating on Bobcats. I will be shooting my .19 Badger with the 32gr bullet at 3450 I have yet to shoot a cat with it but talked with a shooter who has used it to take over 100 Bobcats..............He liked it better than his .17 Mack IV
Even when calling up in the rimrocks and Junipers you alway get a coyote or fox to come in and twice I have had Mt. lions come in....................I bought a Lion tag, but not sure how I would feel taking a shot at a big Male with the .19 I might load up some heavyer bullets to take just in case ..........................

My rifle/ load is the 6.5 Creed Ruger M 77 Hawkeye stainless. Shooting 110 gr Barnes Banded Solids at 3030 fps. Not overly fast but it doesn't blow up a fox or lynx and it will go the length of a 150 lb wolf running straight away. Then with a 120 gr TTSX I've got an ideal rifle for caribou.
Tim where are you located? Drove down to reno for the weeken . And brought my 7mm300 win to stretch on a rock or two.

Gonna pic up a blm map today
I use an old Remington 788 in .243 with a 95gr NBT over 33gr VarGet. Not the greatest fur load but it has worked very well for me up to whitetail sized game. Here are two shots from last month. I was hunting a box and had five dogs come in 100 yards out in the bottom of a ravine. They busted me instantly but I got the lead dog.

Since deer were out of the question at that point I started hitting a pup in distress call on my cell phone and this cat came busting down the opposite side if the valley until it got withing 30 yards of the dog and started snooping. Cat stopped on a log overlooking the dog and I took him.

No venison, but a good day none the less.


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I have a bad load w/imr-8208xbr and 55gr bthp sierra's i'm not sure how fur friendly it is!!!!!!!!!!:d
I use a 204 on fox and cats. 40gr nosler bt's over 26..5 benchmark.
For yotes the 22-250 with 55 vmaxes over 35.5 gr varget puts them DRT!!!
I can tell you a combination of what is NOT a fur load :D. I just loaded some rounds for my 243 with 45.5 grs of Varget, 55 gr Nosler Varmint Bullets seated to 2.610" COAL, and WLR primers. They are going 3850 fps, and tear monster holes in coyotes. I thumped 3 on Saturday. I shot all three in the chest and all three blew holes out through their guts. The holes ranged from a baseball to a softball. All three shots were under a hundred yards too though. Definitely not a fur friendly round, but they are fast and flat. From 100 to 300 yards you just hold on your target. No guess work is what I was going for. When you have a dog come in and hang up and ready to leave, the last thing I want to do is adjust my scope or think about what hold I need for a shot. I just want to point and shoot. I've accomplished that, but I'm not into saving pelts. I'm more into putting dogs in the back of the truck for coyote tournaments. gun)
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