Your favorite long range rifle pic.

30-338 Lapua Imp
Master 1000 stock
30.5" 1.35" Lilja 11 twist 3 groove
10" aluminum barrel block
Weighs in at 27 lbs.
NF NXS R2 5.5-22x56
Mk4 AR-15 (extra high) rings
Farrell 20 MOA base
Freefloated action/trigger/barrel/follower
Currently slinging 210 JLK's at 3160 fps with 87gr RL25 or 91gr Retumbo.
Accuracy is superb... not an average 1/2 MOA rifle I assure you. Probably averages less than 1/4 MOA ever since it was barreled and at least that since it found it's new home in this stock.... off my backpack and sand sock rest.



[ 06-22-2004: Message edited by: Brent Moffitt ]
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