X Bolt Gun/trigger?

So you're saying putting a 6" circle inside a 10" circle isn't very good odds?

I am saying something different., I say various posters with a model x 20" 308 , or model xx 270 or , model ??? caliber !!x , with the the goal to shoot deer at 800 with factory ammo have not shot a 10 shot group at 600yards to enlighten them. one does not know until you try. shooting can be educational.
I am saying something different., I say various posters with a model x 20" 308 , or model xx 270 or , model ??? caliber !!x , with the the goal to shoot deer at 800 with factory ammo have not shot a 10 shot group at 600yards to enlighten them. one does not know until you try. shooting can be educational.

Yep! With this sport, just when you think you know everything, you're gonna get thrown a curveball...

I remember being young and thinking I knew it all. I remember when I thought factory guns and factory ammo was awesome groups, and thought "I bet I could shoot to 1000 if I want to" and then that dream getting shattered when I actually attempted it. LOL

Then, I got better guns, and made my own ammo, and the older I get the more I still realize I don't know jack-squat compared to a lot of other folks out there. None of us will ever know everything.
I not sure if Knew what i meant. with a gun that shoots like with factory ammo , they can save a lot on 600 yard targets. no need for Big or expensive, a paper plate or a sheet or notebook paper.
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