20” bolt gun

FWIW my 16.5 inch 308 shot the 178 ELDX at 2475 fps

16.5 inch 243 shoots 95 Classic Hunters at 2751 fps and 77 MTH at 3161.

Handy yes, long ranger, no.
Here's a 20" 6.5 PRC. 2900 FPS with 143 ELDX


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Here's a 21" 300 PRC 2925+ FPS with 212 ELD-X


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All my ideas of a "truck gun" don't look like those 5K guns. They are things of beauty for sure. Dad's truck gun then mine for awhile was a Stevens 219 .30-30. We loaded our own shotshells for partridges that were budding in Spring. I wacked a coyote with it a few years ago. It is really short, ugly, handy and deadly.
Ah, how soon we forget about the other cartridge/bullet topics...

If your intention is to 'reach out and touch' something as in hunting then either of these combinations with a bipod works great in my experience. I want energy and distance in a combination for most situations I will run into. I want something more than 300 yards and minimum energy transfer.

Both of these combinations will run through the 2.925" magazines used with the chassis. I know, I shoot these.

There is the .257, 131 gr. Blackjack bullet when combined with the SAUM case becomes what you need for a 'truck gun' configuration. From a 20" barrel you increase your maximum yardage to 800 yards retaining almost 1,100 ft/lbs. of energy. This is an excellent cartridge for longer ranges and killing power.

If .25 caliber isn't enough, then I would opt for a straight 7mm RSAUM using the 168 grain Berger Hunter VLD. Here you will gain an extra 50 yards over the .25, extending your range to 850 yards retaining 1,100 ft/lbs of energy.

Here is the stock I'm working with currently to use in some overseas competitions. Note the folding buttstock covers the bolt handle as a safety feature. As with all of the MDT chassis, the ergonomics are adjustable by interchanging parts. I needed just a few minutes to get the lop and cheek height set for my comfort.


Enjoy the process!:D
Remington sps 700 sa in 7mm08 with a 20 " barrel and a 120gr nosler BT at 2800 fps. is one my favorit woods rifles.


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This wouldn't be a truck beater I'd have a small gun case with padding built underneath the back seat to be kept. This gun would be if I don't want to go home after work to pick up equipment. Or I get invited to shoot I have a gun on me and can get out of work and shag a. The 7 SAUM is inviting with that 168. It'll either be chasis or manners folder
I see the short barrel as the next big thing. With today's powders and the swing towards heavy for Caliber Bullets short barrels make a lot of sense. Not just in the ease and convenience, lightweight and cool factor but also the much more stable harmonics. Our testing has shown the shorter the barrel the better the groups with big heavy bullets. (To a point then the returns diminish, 16" is about where we see it go the other way. 18"-22" makes for some awesomeness.
I had a 20" .250AI that pushed a 115 Berger @ 2980fps. It was very nice.
I am currently rebuilding my 6.5 SLR and going from a 28" to a 22" barrel. I expect to lose about 150fps. Should end up pushing a 140 HVLD about 2750-2820.
This wouldn't be a truck beater I'd have a small gun case with padding built underneath the back seat to be kept. This gun would be if I don't want to go home after work to pick up equipment. Or I get invited to shoot I have a gun on me and can get out of work and shag a. The 7 SAUM is inviting with that 168. It'll either be chasis or manners folder

I have both the Manners folding stock and the ESS as pictured above.

Neither of these would ever be mistaken for 'just a truck gun'. These are primary rifles for nothing but the best options for shooting a compact carry rifle accurately out to the yardages I stated above. When unfolded, they are rigid and when folded they are compact. The 7mm RSAUM is a superb cartridge especially when combined with the 166 Hammer Hunter because it will fit in the DBM magazines which can also be pre-loaded with different cartridge combinations if you want. Simply label for differentiation.

Short barrels, like the heavy for caliber bullets, is the newest of the exciting 'developments' to explode on the internet. It's like it's a new discovery, something which has taken shooters by storm. Well, guess what? Both have been around for quite some time, just relegated to specialized uses and before we had access to the chatterbox internet. Check to see what the HRT shoots or the Secret Service or a couple of the other sub-branches of the FBI, CIA or DOD. Benchrest shooters have been shooting 20" barrels with the 6PPC since the Houston Warehouse story broke onto the scene. Even for the lowly public, we've been shooting the .308 Win. in 14.5" barrels (suppressed) on the AR10-type platforms for a couple of dozen years. We use the same .308 Win. in 17/18" barrels on bolt rifles to shoot out to 1,000 yards in PRS competitions before other cartridges made some headway. This is nothing new and both will fall by the wayside after everyone has had a chance to try them both again to realize that they are not the panacea we'd like them to be.:rolleyes::D
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I grew up shooting a 700 243 with a 20" barrel. Given to me by my grandpa who bought it in the 70s. So yes old news. But new toy. And this gun would be chasing the likes of the police builds. But would be a compact carry gun like stated above its just finding what cartridge id like to shoot. It's just a cool build I can always have with me. I'm not a handgun guy but love bolt guns.
another of my woods rifles, a Remington 7600 in 3006 with a 18" barrel. 165gr nosler BT at 2650 fps.


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