Wyoming elk hunt

Well…as a longtime Wyoming resident I can tell you a couple of things as of December 2023. First…the Wyoming mule deer population took a HUGE hit from the 22-23 winter and the population is down significantly. It will be years before that population recovers, providing favorable conditions.

The elk did ok last winter, but they did get dispersed to different areas due to the harsh winter, making it a very unusual hunting season. So far, this winter has been very mild with most of the state still experiencing daytime highs in the 40s with very little snow on the ground in the lower elevations. We likely won't see much snow until January.

This will likely translate into an even more unusual hunting season next year. So…even Eastman's will be taking shots in the dark on "premium" areas next year.
That's crazy! I guess I need to start looking elsewhere.
I used my 12 wy deer points and shared them with 5 friends. I was never going to get the unit i wanted as there were over 300 in front of me. we took 2 nice 4 point bucks and two other meat bucks. The reduction of tags a few years back really changed our chances for tags.
If it makes you feel any better, in-state residents don't get all the good tags. It is important to note that we don't get preference points for elk, deer, and antelope. It's just a random draw for us…

I haven't drawn an antelope tag for over a decade. Being a resident doesn't guarantee a thing…
You might draw a general "Special Tag".

Nonresident Special Elk License. Wyoming statute sets aside 40% of nonresident elk licenses for applicants paying a higher fee. Applicants who pay the extra.

It is a more expensive... a lot more
How much is a lot ... Curious here? If you don't mind me asking? And this extra higher fee...no points under your system are needed...or lesser points and more money?
I just took a look (I normally don't pay much attention to the non-resident regulations).

Regular price is $707 and $1965 for the special drawing. That's the license fee if you draw, of course.

No idea how preference points work for the special drawing…
Special can give you slightly better odds than regular but it's a gamble. If you look thru the recap you can find hunts that reg/special drew out at almost the exact same point level. The new price difference may change that and increase odds in the special but there is no guarantee that your odds will be better. All depends on how many guys jump into special on a certain year.