Wyoming Antelope

Did you receive my email? I'm not sure I did it right. I've only sent one email before.
Yes I got one. Haven't had time to look at it yet much because I'm at work but I'll check it out when I get home this evening. That shows the different walk-in areas for hunting is that correct? Thanks again
Contact the Oedekoven's as they own a lot of that area. Actually contact Wyoming Game and Fish for list of ranches in area 17 that allow hunters. There will most likely be a trespass fee, and some even require a ranch hand to escort you. It is amazing how many ranchers have had livestock shot during hunting season. So just ask about the ranch rules before you get there.

Just a FYI:

The Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. no longer maintains a list of landowners in hunt areas; they stopped doing that a number of years ago.

Try contacting Becca Lutz @ [HIDDEN]. She is the Gillette Game Warden (North). They have been of assistance in the past.
Wyoming Game and Fish still maintains a list of land owners. I agree with many of the others that have replied to contact them.

Where can a person obtain that "landowner list"?

The G&F Sheridan Region used to have lists of landowners by species by hunt area. The Sheridan and Casper Regions stopped maintaining those lists 5 or 6 years ago.

I guess if you are fairly new to hunting or new to northeast Wyoming you would not know about the old landowner lists that have been discontinued.

Now all that is available is the couple landowners that will take doe/fawn hunters - I looked on the G&F website and there is one landowner in the Buffalo area that is listed that will take doe/fawn antelope hunters.

Call the Sheridan Region G&F office and inquire about the landowner list and they will tell you all there is the doe/fawn "list", which is the information I mention above that is very limited.

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