Wyoming Antelope Guide

YES! you are the other person in wyoming who knows how good antelope is... thought I was alone. I will say any place I have had a tag I was able to get my tag filled on public ground so its doable about anywhere. but if i were coming from a long way around id go south

I'm telling you. It surprises me how many people think goat meat is bad. I don't know what they're doing wrong... my '12 goat was two or three time better than my '12 deer.

+1, public land 'lope is nearly a guarantee.

Give WY fish and game a call. That's what we did, and they pointed us in the right direction.

Be sure to get extra doe tags. Between the three of us we had nine tags, and it was no problem filling them. As mentioned, antelope is great tasting. Way better than deer. My whole family loves it, yet they won't touch deer meaat unless it's jerky or sausage.

We're headed back in just over a week and can't wait.
I can give a personal recommendation for Vic Dana owner of Red Desert Outfitters. Vic knows how to judge antelope and knows how to get a non experienced hunter a good chance at killing a trophy goat. The hard part is drawing a tag in the areas he guides. Give him a call and tell him I recommended him.
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