WY draw posted

Well, Congrats to all you guys that drew...I got lucky too and drew A27..of course it cost me two points...With a buck & doe lope tag and a deer B tag I sure hope to find something to shoot at....

GCAMP54...there is a pretty good block of grassland land off the cow creek road in A29.....there is also quite a few lope around there, my son and I camped up there while we were scouting...Some real nice looking country...We went back there a few days after season started to check it out..There were a few hunters but that was only the third day, I talked to a few of them and they were just getting ready to leave....I think that area is big enough that you could get away from the roads and have a ball.....PM me if you are interested in some GPS coords....I am meeting a friend from Michigan in A27 he is going to hunt deer...My wife is glad that I won't be hunting alone....Maybe we can get a chance to have coffee or lunch at Bill....Did you get a chance to try the new diner there?......Any way good luck Gordon....

Good luck to the rest of you too,
3 guys/ We drew 3 buck and 3 Doe tags and will probably buy a few leftover tags. Will be in Area 7 staying in Newcastle, Hilltop Motel 9/30 until 10/4 or until 10/8 if needed. SBruce are you around????
Archery deer and elk season ends September 14 in Utah and I am not so proficient at archery that I will be tagged out before it ends. I might or might not make it to Casper, Wyoming by September 15. It might be the 16th or 17th. If I do make it there by then I would like to try to get together with as many people as are available.

I will send around my cell phone number when it gets close to time.

We drew area C for deer and if I read the quota correct it has the second largest quota in the state. And very few put in for it also. What gives? We have never been there. We also drew area 17 for Antelope which is in area C and very few put in for it also. What's up with that too? I talked with someone that works for the Wyoming DNR that lives in Campbell county and she says it is great hunting there.

I think Len is trying to pitch his land ownership gps mapping:). Might be worth a look as there is a lot of private. I swooped on the WY map myself and all I can say is SWEET! Also if you look on WY G&F website there are landowners signed up for 'Access Yes'. With a little homework you might find some private land to hunt too!
Today I received 2 antelope doe/fawn tags in the mail. Now I'm waiting for the buck antelope and buck deer tags to arrive. :D

I drew a buck tag for 64. Never hunted it before but I have plenty of time. I've hunted around Gillette in 17,18, and 24. Be glad to give advice if anyone wants it. It's good to hear everyone drawing.
Was wondering if anyone know how they send the tags out? Two of our guys in the group got thier's and the rest havent. Their last name starts with A. didnt know if they sent them out alphabetically or just random.
The doe tags are sent first and then a few days later the buck tags are sent and then last of all they send your PP refund if owed

You're probably on the HS watch list and they are opening your mail to determine what kind of subversive group you belong to. When HS gets done they will reseal everything and send your tags along. :D.
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