WY draw posted

i was hoping you'd have room for some of mine !

i can't get drawn in my home state of nm for anything, so i will make up for it out of state.
wyo for lopes and colorado for cow elk.

we are going to camp out on the ranch we're hunting on.
where you going to stay bob ?

maybe we can meet in alcova ?
We should meet up some where, but I am going to keep my truck locked lest you try to sneak some meat into it while I am not looking. :D

Maybe we can give them all to Highknob, he probably doesn't know any better.

I will be at Alcova or Grey Reef.

You can get dry ice at Albertsons on CY and Poplar just FYI

Across the street and down on the other side is a really good sporting goods store called Rocky Mountain Discount Sports or something similar on CY street.
okay, sounds good.
send me a pm with your cell number to get ahold of you.
i'll be heading up on the 14th of sept. get into casper around noon, meet up with the ranch owner for written permission, then lunch.
gonna gas up, get extra, and head back down thru alcova.
we should be able to get camp set up, and do some scouting for a buck before dark.

not sure, gotta look, but does unit 32 open 2 weeks after 72 ?
might miss you then, if that's the case.

gonna take the hummer H2, so if you see a sage green one, with a nm veteran tag, that'll be me.

am thinking of getting one of those rear cargo carriers that fits into the recvr hole, but my spare tire might get in the way of useable space.
so it might be a waste.

anyone know if putting one on the front is legal ? it has a hole up front too.
don't wanna put gas inside. i haven't seen a gas can that doesn't leak, and i'm not putting them on the roof so they leak all over it.
I am also going to be out there for the first time (antelope and WY) in unit 72. If you see someone who looks like they are lost, it might be me. I plan on doing a lot of looking around and hope to get lucky, I guess! I am looking forward to sneaking up on a buck out there somewhere if a few hundred other fellow hunters don't scare them all off.
we'll be well tucked away on private property.
camping for 3 days, should give us a relaxing time to kill 8.

we might see ya ?
whatcha goin be driving ?
I don't know the name but he is a developer and the ranch is right behind his several year old large home just south of the commercial strip that comes out to hat 6 Road.
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