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Wrong color stock

so I fully realize i May be ending 2018 with a silly question....what the heck, folks on here have been super helpful. I'm on a pretty tight budget looking for a good all round elk/mule deer gun that will shoot at distance. I found a smoking deal on a rifle with a 1/2 minute guarantee but, I don't like the color of the stock. I was wondering if I could send of the stock to get it repainted? Anyone done this? What does it cost? Happy new year!!!

What's your budget looking like. I have a couple of stocks that I painted myself and cleared them with a flat clear. My son helped with one of the stock, we cut some cardboard patterns of the various leafs from the area, a couple of sticks, painted a flat, dark grey base and then use different flat earth colors and got creative. I will send some photos if you would like. To me it's a hunting rifle and if it looks presentable and it's protected from the elements that's all I care about. You looking for a camo look, or simple flat, solid color. A lot of the suggestions that have already been given to you are really good ones. Just curious about what you have for money?
Second on the Alumahyde. I used it as a topcoat to make them more chemical resistant. Even the matte comes out a little shiney, as you can see on the green one. A little steel wool will dull it down.

After all was sprayed the way I wanted it (it was hard finding a flat clear), I painted the stock with a flat clear that was heat resistant paint that is used on chrome wheel rims. I know it sounds crazy, but couldn't really find a good "flat clear" that would do what I wanted!
so I fully realize i May be ending 2018 with a silly question....what the heck, folks on here have been super helpful. I'm on a pretty tight budget looking for a good all round elk/mule deer gun that will shoot at distance. I found a smoking deal on a rifle with a 1/2 minute guarantee but, I don't like the color of the stock. I was wondering if I could send of the stock to get it repainted? Anyone done this? What does it cost? Happy new year!!!

What's your budget looking like. I have a couple of stocks that I painted myself and cleared them with a flat clear. My son helped with one of the stock, we cut some cardboard patterns of the various leafs from the area, a couple of sticks, painted a flat, dark grey base and then use different flat earth colors and got creative. I will send some photos if you would like. To me it's a hunting rifle and if it looks presentable and it's protected from the elements that's all I care about. You looking for a camo look, or simple flat, solid color. A lot of the suggestions that have already been given to you are really good ones. Just curious about what you have for money?
View attachment 115972a simple base coat of black krylon and two other colors applied with a sponge can mimic any Manners paint job. Top it off with clear matte finish and it will last for years.

Never thought about a sponge, great looking job!
Finished another one with Krylon and Cerakoted in midnight bronze and elite midnight.
Wonder if this would work on a wood stock of something like a old 870? Or does it have to be a plastic?
340AEFD1-C6F3-49C8-B768-8C5191B3042F.jpeg 8F5F51E9-4E45-497E-9D59-863032C540F6.jpeg E7FDAF1A-699F-431D-9389-2D8FAB518AFF.jpeg

Like a bunch of people have said, the rattle can jobs can do pretty well. I bought some multi cam vinyl stencils off eBay for $8, watched some YouTube, and went to town. Thought it turned out alright.
Of note, make sure you toughen up the surface prior to painting. Frustrating when you pull off a stencil and it pulls off every layer.
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