Would you add powder or monkey with seating depth on this?

I should be able to chrono several rifles on Sunday or Monday. I have not tried H1000 in the 6.5 yet because I've had 3-4 guys tell me the same thing you just said about Retumbo. I have plenty though and as always, I can find out for myself.

Thanks everyone.
I should be able to chrono several rifles on Sunday or Monday. I have not tried H1000 in the 6.5 yet because I've had 3-4 guys tell me the same thing you just said about Retumbo. I have plenty though and as always, I can find out for myself.

Thanks everyone.

H1000 has quickly become our go to powder in 25-06, 6.5x284, and .300 Win Mag with the heavier bullets. Never seen anything funky yet. It just works. We work up a load with 1 or two grain increments. Most of the time we don't even have to tweak seating depth. Just small groups at long range.
H1000 has quickly become our go to powder in 25-06, 6.5x284, and .300 Win Mag with the heavier bullets. Never seen anything funky yet. It just works. We work up a load with 1 or two grain increments. Most of the time we don't even have to tweak seating depth. Just small groups at long range.
Well that's good to know. What charge of H1000 are you using in the 6.5-284 Norma with a 140 Berger hunting VLD?
You probably already know this stuff but:

I can offer the same advice that was given to me by the guy who has alot of trophies in benchrest for validation. Settle on a powder charge and bullet by looking at your groups. He pays more attention to vertical than horizontal. Once you find something that has potential he plays with seating depth in 15 thou increments. Also shoot at a distance you can see your groups develop. Nothing is learned when you can't see what is going on. You shoot at to far of a distance and find a flier you can't validate why or which one.

Another time saver is have a portable press, seat your loads long. Adjust when you are out at the range. I have been told by Richard it takes him only a couple hours to work up a load for a new barrel on one of his rifles.

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Well that's good to know. What charge of H1000 are you using in the 6.5-284 Norma with a 140 Berger hunting VLD?

I prefer the 140 AMAX in the 6.5-284. My daughter loads them in front of 56 grains of H1000 with Lapua Brass and a Fed 210 M primer. She's a better shot than I am and has taken top junior and top lady in a couple of matches so far.
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