I figured you lived in the city. I do live in Pennsylvania and no they haven't made it this far YET. We have coy wolves here and they came from Michigan without the help of city dwellers and wolves will do the same. Wolves need to be managed by the state wildlife service not do gooders from the city or Washington. I'm guessing you are a transplant from New York or California?
You say a lot for a guy who has no idea what he's talking about.
1) I was joking about living in a "bustling metropolis." There are no bustling metropolises in Montana. You would know that if you had ever been out here where, you know, the wolves are. The biggest and most "urban" cities are Billings, Bozeman and Missoula. I don't live there.
2) I've lived in five other states (and four countries). None of them were New York or California.
3) Yes, you have big coyotes in Pennsylvania. They aren't wolves.
4) I agree wolves should be managed by the state in the same way states manage other big game species. The state of Oregon is the one managing their wolf population. The wolves in eastern Oregon are not federally protected. They're part of the Northern Rocky Mountain wolf population. They're managed by the ODFW. The laws that were broken? State laws. Not federal laws. You would know these particular wolves weren't managed by the "do gooders in Washington" if you actually lived near wolves. You don't. You live in Pennsylvania, where you have big coyotes and strong opinions about "city folk," but no wolves.
I like elk, and I like hunting elk. I like wolves, and I like hunting wolves. I don't like people illegally poisoning wolves. I don't like people illegally poisoning elk, even though I've seen the damage they can do to the ag land around where I live. I think states should appropriately manage them. I don't think people should take to poisoning or illegally shooting them in the middle of the night. That's against the North American model of conservation. I'm curious...what other kinds of poaching are you a big fan of?
We--the people who live with wolves--don't need help from you east coast types telling us how to manage them. You think because you don't live in a city you're some how more qualified than other people who don't live around wolves. Maybe next you'll tell the people of Botswana how to deal with their elephants, and if a local doesn't agree when you advocate poaching them, you can accuse him of being a city do-gooder.
I wish you the best of luck in your big coyote hunting.