J E Custom
Well-Known Member
Anybody out there been using one of the super short mags? I see Midway has Winchester or Hornady brass available for the 243. Seems like it'd be a fun little rifle to play with, and they can just about be had for a song. From what I can tell, it's got it's own little niche for people wanting more horsepower out of the standard AR-15 sized platform. If one were going to get a bolt gun, is Browning the way to go? I've read reports that the Winchester's experienced feeding issues more so than their buckmark counterparts.
This is just my opinion, based on building and owning many different rifles in many different cartridges.
The question about short mags is simple, In the right format and the right rifle they can be very good. Like any cartridge, there are many things that can make or break the cartridge. If it is placed in the wrong action they may not feed or function well, if placed in the wrong barrel contour and twist rate, they may not perform. If the ammo or re loads are not chosen base on the case capacity and optimal bullet weight and use, it may not perform very well. Often velocity is wanted/needed that the cartridge was not designed for and it can be troublesome if it is pushed beyond its design limites.
All of these issues are present in "All" cartridges when they are expected to go beyond there design. The short mags are no different
in that when they are placed in the correctly designed rifle, built for that round with all the correct choices of components, They can be extremely proficient and accurate. They do fit a niche but so do other cartridges fit in there niche.
Sometimes even the manufacture gets it wrong and builds a rifle with the wrong components and specifications so the cartridge gets a bad rap because of it. WE have seen it happen many times that The/A factory comes out with a new cartridge in the wrong rifle with the wrong specifications and it is a flop, not because of the cartridge but the timing(when it was released) and the rifle they released it in with the wrong specifications for the cartridge design.
One of the original short mags fell prey to this. the 6.5 Remington magnum is a real performer in the right rifle and Out performs all other 6.5s (Including the 264 Winchester)with the exception of the 26 Nosler. These are listed loads and may vary based on barrel length and load used in. but using listed data with SAAMI pressures, it does show the relationship of a 52 year old cartridge that is almost extinct, and the newest and latest 6.5s .
The short version of this is that there are very few if any "Bad cartridges" only bad rifles and ammo choices. and most of all, shooter ability.