Will the World end in 2012?

The meat of things.....

To postulate is a wonderful thing........

Well, I'm a star gazer of sorts and I keep looking for Nebrus of whatever it's referred to in the sky but I haven't seen it.

According to the Internet buzz, Nebrus is supposed to bisect our solar system in late 2012 and according to stuff I've read on the net, NASA and the gummit knows all about it and is planning for 'doomsday; without any regard for anything but itself and it's continued existence......

According to all the blather, this 'rouge star', if it bisects our solar system and cuts through the orbits of the outer planets (including earth), the gravitational pull of the star will cause the earth to rotate on it's polar axis, shifting the positions of the poles and dramatically changing the climates of the continents plus causing the magma (remember the center of this planet is liquid magma) to come to the surface and erupt as volcanic activity, destroying life as we know it, in a matter of hours (think back to Mount St. Helen's and multiply that 100 times...)

Anything can happen I guess. Look at Obama. He happened, well, I don't know if 'happened' is the right word, more like 'hatched'.

My take on 2012 is simply if it does come about, there is absolutely nothing any mortal can do about it. I just want it to be over with quickly.

I've lived a glorious life, did what I want to (for the most part) so I have no regrets.

I always plan in advance, from Elk hunts in years to follow to looking forward to the time I can kick back at my summer home in Hawaii.

Being human, like everyone on here (and everywhere else for that matter). Myself (and all of us) never look at life as a finite quantity, which it is so my take is, if it comes about. bend over and kiss your arse goodbye.

It's been fun but the party may be over, but then again, it may not.

I'll take it as it comes and deal with what is.

Maybe we all should spend the following year (up until 12-2012), doing exactly what we want to without any regard for our fellow man, without any regard for the human condition, carrying on in a selfless manner, completely ignoring what might happen.

Isn't that EXACTLY what we are doing right now????lightbulb
Yes, it will end. Two things you can do.
1) go out and buy all the rifles you can along with plenty of amno. Enjoy them as much as you can.
2) start building a bunker.
If the world's going to end 12/12/12 I'm going hunting in Yellowstone Park! I'm going for a pack of woofs, a bighorn or two, a grizzly and maybe a couple trophy elk. What the hell they going to do?
Ol' SidecarFlip waxes philosophical well beyond his years!:)

Haven't see a post or PM from him that hasn't been chuck full of great thinkin. Except for the retirement home in Hawaii. He'll probably still be trying to stay retired.:cool:

Just in case, you turn and run on the 11th, I'll have several semi trucks and loading equipment at your front door to load shop equipment for a quick trip to Idaho.:)

Thou shalt not covet.... What's with that:D

BTW, points well taken on your PM.gun)
The worship of space Aliens and asteroids is a new religion. People that deny the Bible use it for proof but have forgotten to read the rest of it. - But I am working on a new Elk cartridge that the recoil could push the continents back together again!
Ol' SidecarFlip waxes philosophical well beyond his years!:)

Haven't see a post or PM from him that hasn't been chuck full of great thinkin. Except for the retirement home in Hawaii. He'll probably still be trying to stay retired.:cool:

Just in case, you turn and run on the 11th, I'll have several semi trucks and loading equipment at your front door to load shop equipment for a quick trip to Idaho.:)

Thou shalt not covet.... What's with that:D

BTW, points well taken on your PM.gun)

You just want me for my machinery.......:rolleyes: Better to be forthright than not.....

I'm a whole lot older than you surmise and I don't have all my parts anymore, one reason I have to condense my hunting and travels, not a lot of time left and especially worrisome is 'can I do it'??

Living here where the air is dense, I have reservations about being able to survive higher elevations. My hunting comrades all hunt out west and other places but they are quite a bit younger than I am. The standing joke is 'Ill be shipped home in a body bag'.....

Besides that, my eyesight isn't what it used to be. I barely passed my last DOT exam. I don't want to wear glasses but I see that coming, hearing aid as well. The hearing part isn't all bad. I have what my wife terms 'selective hearing' anyway.

I never thought I'd have problems reading a 60 division vernier.... well, those are in the chest now.....:D

The eyesight is why I agonize over optics. I surely would prefer a cheaper optic but I can't really compromise because, like a crutch, I need all the help I can muster. I cringe at the cost of optics and firearms but it's only a knee jerk from being frugal because it's just a matter of digging up another jar in the yard......:)

My wife questions my wisdom as far as buying firearms but I just tell her that my cousin gets them all, anyway. He's the only one in the family who actually hunts and understands......

I will say that I have a whole lot more pistols than long guns probably because I shoot match pistol and I carry... Not constantly, just when the situation is conducive to carry. Carrying a firearm is a big responsibility. The use of deadly force, even in a life or death situation can have untold repercussions....

In retrospect, I've lived a good life, did basically what I wanted to, when I wanted to and the time left (whether in fact civilization as we know it ends shortly or not) has little impact on my current agenda.

The whole scenario reminds me of the movie 'Gone in 60 Seconds'. None of us (I suspect if to does come about and it will at sometime, that's inevitable) will have any time to contemplate the outcome, let alone the immediate threat.

You live each and every day to the fullest you can. I certainly have no regrets about that.

The worship of space Aliens and asteroids is a new religion. People that deny the Bible use it for proof but have forgotten to read the rest of it. - But I am working on a new Elk cartridge that the recoil could push the continents back together again!

Sounds enlightening. Also sounds like a Caldwell Lead Sled shooting experience.:D

When you look at the grand scheme of things, this world we live on and this solar system is a mere speck of fly do-do. We (it's our nature) envision ourselves as supreme beings but are we? My thinking is we aren't and we aren't alone as the sole species of intelligent beings (not that the current crop of humans act intellegently....:)) However, this is our lot so we might as well make the best of it.

The alien thing has been around for as long as people had the time to imagine and contemplate what if.... The Aztec's, the Mayans and Egyptians and others depicted aliens in their cave drawings much like we do in photographs.... or U-Tube...

Far as the Bible is concerned (and I don't want to start a war over this statement), the Bible is someones interpretation of events that happened or were imagined and recorded in that person(s) vision of what occurred or again, was imagined because the very essence of intelligence is the ability to imagine, contemplate and record.

This particular thread captures my interest. I read it daily.

When it happens. it happens. There is nothing you can do to change it (except postulate), so enjoy what is, now.

Like some very wise person once wrote down for antiquity....

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference"....
Re: Apocalypse Not Now: 2012 Doomsday Predictions Debunked by NASA

That's good. Candidly I thought it was far fetched but then I never thought Herman Cain was a philanderer either.:)

I can live a few more years and enjoy what time I have left because at some point, closer than farther, I'll be pushing up crab grass at Pleasantview........

I quit celebrating birthdays a while back. A cake with one candle for each year would set the house on fire.......:D
I can think of two things that might bring an end to the world. Me using a lead sled or lighting the candles on my birthday cake! However I am thinking about joining the Zombie Squad because of the ever growing problem with giant radioactive mutated space spiders!
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