Everyone has given some great advice already on upgrades (springs, hinge pin..). Incase you didnt know, Smith & Wesson discontinued the TC line and is actively looking for a buyer so all TC branded stuff will soon be hard to find. The following links are some places that you can get parts and pieces plus some barrel resources.
https://www.bellmtcs.com/ - Mike is the man when it comes to fine tuning plus he carries a good bit of stuff
https://www.hausofarms.com/ - Marty is a good guy to deal with, he does a lot of projects with the Encore. He is working with SSK Firearms (Lehigh Defense) to make G2 frames. Has been long in the making so not sure if it will actually come out
https://eabco.com/tcref.html - They carry all kind of stuff for TC including custom barrels
http://www.edstc.com/ - Ed is an older guy that forgot more than most will ever know about TC's, he is best to deal with via email or phone but his site is usually up to date
https://matchgrademachine.com/ - Sells stock and custom made barrels (seems to be one of the leaders in barrels along with eabco)
https://www.bullberrylegacy.com/ - Custom barrels, recently changed hands of ownership
https://www.shultzprecisionrifles.com/ - Jr is more of a gunsmith but does work on TC's such as adding spring kits and threading of barrels
I know Im missing a few but gives you a good place to start look at