The problem is that many think that 6.5 anything is the answer. It is a great caliber and needs no help in the accuracy department, BUT when people start wild catting cartridges, other problems start to show, (Brass availability, loading dies, chamber reamers, fire forming and many loading challenges themselves. There are many good 6.5,s and realy no reason to wildcat an already good one.
The SAUM is factory loaded, in 7 mm, so if someone wants a SAUM this would be a great one to chose. the performance is as good or better.
But as we all know, we want something different, so we do things without thinking about the difficulty we will have. Any cartridge necked to 6.5 sounds good until we build it and that's when the trouble begins.
Only the very experienced loader should tackle a wildcat design, and even then they may have difficulty making it do what they wanted it to do.
I suspect that is the reason that many are getting away from "any" wildcat is the trouble of all the process including finding components.
My recommendation to anyone is to consider a cartridge that fits your needs and find one that is common because it has everything available necessary to fill your needs and loaded ammo is readily available. But don't chose the flavor of the week just because someone brags about it being the most accurate and best. (There is no such cartridge).
Just my opinion