Rushed shot.
Javelina spring hunt 4 years ago. We were driving back to camp at around 5 pm, and we spotted a couple of them on a saddle of the hill to our west. I jumped out of the truck, loaded a round and fired just before they moved to the back of the hill. Missed, thought they were around 350m and I aimed high, and I missed high. They were at around 240m but did not have time to range them, and usually I'm pretty good at judging distances, but not in this case. Rifle was sighted at 200m
They took off and so did I, grabbed my pack and went after them. Found them on the hill behind the one I shot at. 325 yds away I aimed just above the head, dropped it where it stood. Both shots offhand, but miss read the range because I was in a hurry.
I should have waited on the first shot and stalk them.