Who will pick up "The 700" remy


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2021
I know Remington arms has gone bankrupt and been parted out. I also know that all kinds of outfits build 700 Remington clones. Does anyone think someone will buy the "Brand" and start selling them or will we be only limited to what is already out there and already manufactured?
They were actually supposed to "re-start" production on March 1st- but looks as though "union troubles" have delayed it.
I suspect the M700 will continue, not everyone want's to build off a $800-$1,500 receiver.
I have no clue what's involved in cranking up the line again- but every day they lose now is money down the drain.
They could sell every receiver they could make right now before they cooled off...

Since the 700 Rem. Action is the heart of some of the military sniper rifles, There will be need for actions and parts to repair with. The Rem. 870 is a highly used police firearm and will have a demand for the gun and repair parts for them also. It may take some time to get things back in production. Someone may want to ever move the company to a right to work state.
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