Which Nightforce Scope Do You Want For Christmas?

My nxs 5.5-22x56 is awsome
I'd love to try a nightforce in front focal plane
So I don't need to be on 22 power to use the lines when a coyote is running and stopping it's hard to stay on target at 22 power
I literally just sold my ATACR F1 5-25x56 MOAR over the weekend to gather funds for a light weight build. Already miss it. Fantastic scope! If I could have a NightForce for Christmas, it'd be that same scope again. If I could have another option added to it, it would be that the scope weighed in the 20-25 ounce range.

Great thread @Andy Backus !
Let's stay on point fellas. All legitimate conversation, but let's not ruin The Santa Clause effect of the topic at hand. I wanna believe!!!!
Oh.... and a NXS 5.5-22x50 moart..... again
Post in this thread and let me know which Nightforce scope is on your wish list this Christmas.

At The Long Range Hunting Store we specialize in Nightforce Scopes. Whether buying your first serious long range scope or upgrading to better glass and more reliability, or wanting to try first focal plane for the first time, we have the Nightforce scope you want this Christmas.


We sell at the same Minimum Advertising Price (MAP) as all other Nightforce dealers and we give FREE shipping. Plus if you have any questions and want to talk to a real person who actually uses Nightforce and other top brands of long range hunting scopes, we're your guys.

If you enjoy LongRangeHunting.com and want to help support it we would sure appreciate your business!

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