I have the Rino 120 and here are some pros and cons from my experience.
Con- Having the radio on drains battery life.
Pro- When my daughters start going on there own we can turn radios on every hour and poll so we know where each is.
Con- Polling only works with other Rinos
Pro- Other radios can be used in conjunction with the Rino. I have two motorolas that have the same frequency configuration so we can talk I just can't poll them.
Con- I think my Rino is too old to have the sd card, but I don't have to worry about private land where I hunt.
Pro- I have Topo 2008 and can link Rino and computer, transferring way points back and forth and topo maps.
Con- Learning the Rino took a while especially the toggle stick.
Pro- Once you learn it there are numerous features I like.
Con- In rugged terrain all radio units lose distance.
Pro- The wife knows everyday I leave a map in the truck so if I were to break my leg and she had to send out a search party, they would be close enough to poll me and find me with a Rino. In an emergency the frequency is 9 and the squelch code is 11. Yes 911.