Wow, you sure are coming off as a smart A. If you are trying to promote your business and reputation online I would recommend toning it down a notch. -maybe take a clue from your name "Silent" when something you don't agree with online. Did you even read the whole "non-reputable " thread?
I won't subject the PH to your baseless criticism but trust someone who has seen over 500 Buffalo killed to know a bit more than you. And even if it is "illegal" those are antiquated laws 100 years old before current powders and bullets available now increase performance. There are exceptions for the 9.3
After I get one with a 9.3 I'll be back with my Bow to get another!
I provided a base. Read every word of it. It is a forum. You are still not right and refuse to prove otherwise. I want information showing I am wrong. Anyone who works with me or us know who I am and how I treat others. Most in the firearm industry are inept A words as you call it. Using a play on words with company name, elementary. Truth and facts. I am a dedicated to the truth and proving people like you and the ones who jumped on your bandwagon wrong.
No need for toning anything down. I put out enough information to prove the FACTS and for you to simply do the same as so many others to keep this industry and flat out society in these depths shows no one will ever "learn" and the stench will continue. Not providing a professional outfitters information, weakest move yet. What are they gonna do." Hey man, this guy who owns a gun manufacturing company called and asked us to provide the hunting regulations for our area. How could you do such a thing............." Highly doubtful. I obviously wouldn't be an A word, I want to know what information they have.
Promoting my business has nothing to do with this. Fail from day one if you have to prove your market. Why do you think so many close, cut jobs. Getting business or any advice from you, not open to that idea, especially now.
What am I suppose to do, kiss A all day long. Heck no. I have to combat the nay-say constantly. Look how this thread started. 2 different 338s. I even showed where mine was not that fastest and showed deference to a company who proves they do something great. My business principles were designed to take the lies and the fraud and expose them. We offer great products and information and would always admit when I am wrong.
I will continue to dedicate time to be prove my point. Even if I would be wrong with information I would probably end up finding, I would show and admit it.
tdot, I did see that one blurb about the 9.3 and discredited it the more I dug but thought it would be fair at the time to include it. Still trying to find one country that says 9.3 is legal. The quest continues.