What's your guys practice regimen?

I need to do dime drills and dry fire. I don't have time with life and the family to go to the range as much as I want to. I have single friends who's jobs get in the way of their shooting. Trying to figure out when life slows down so I can shoot, hunt, and fish more.
Speaking from experience, when life slows down so will you. LOL
My regimen has been stifled severely. I have not shot my defensive pistol in nearly as many times as I normally. my long range rifles have not been shot since I had time last February. I ran short of primers and powder just as the primers and powder were getting scarce here in Nevada. It seems we in the northern part of NV get hit first with any kind of shortage. We are also the last to see the relief. I have had a few practice sessions with friends over the last few months. I put at least 10 rounds through all my precision rifles, and did some drills with my trio of carry guns. that has been it for me for most of the year. I feel like I am letting myself down for not practicing normally this year.
Handguns - once a week. Twenty to thirty rounds per carry weapon, timed. Fun guns - 25 to 50 rounds.
Rifles - load development - twice a month. Fifteen to twenty rounds each while working up loads. Fun guns -20 rounds distance practice (normally one rifle besides my LD rifles per outing).
Winter (Dec thru Feb) cut those numbers to once per month...elevation 3,500 ft w/temps (8:30 before wind starts) at high 20 degrees. (Hey, I am an old geezer)
Happily I have capability to reload all my calibers and have stockpiled enough to go one year plus without restocking. *However, I buy whenever I see stuff available at local store or on the net at reasonable prices (my definition of "reasonable" = about 50% above per-pandemic prices)
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JI need to do dime drills and dry fire. I don't have time with life and the family to go to the range as much as I want to. I have single friends who's jobs get in the way of their shooting. Trying to figure out when life slows down so I can shoot, hunt, and fish more.

Speaking from experience, when life slows down so will you. LOL

Epags is correct, you just need to plan and make time, otherwise youll be stuck in a cycle, trust me, I was stuck in that cycle.

Stay safe
With the ammo and component shortage what's everyone's regimen during this time? I'd love to say I had stockpiled enough to shoot the way I wanted to for the next 10 years but that's just not the case for me. I have enough to get me through, I hope. As long as supplies trickle back in in the next year I'll be fine. Im normally in the 700-1000 rnds a year category and am going to be slowing that down to about half of that personally, at least until I can get more primers. Have to practice to make good clean kills at those extended ranges but I'm not going to allow my supplies to run out either. What's everyone else doing?
If you have extra guns drop down a notch or two..save powder and lead for what's important but keep shooting for practice and techniques! 223 with factory ammo is a good way to go.....if you can get factory or surplus....still shoot 300 yards.
an awful lot can be practiced well with a quality rimfire rifle if you have the rounds :)

This................each time I go to the range, I shoot offhand @ 1" target dots @ 50yards. Thing is, I do this off my right side and my left side. I use my old 77/22 with a K4 with a dot in it, and go one clip a side and then go to the other.

Works for me
I took a break from shooting but I am getting back into it. I have an ample supply of everything I need. I won't shoot as much as I used to but will continue practicing. I would suggest more dry firing at the range and then some actual shooting just not as much s before.
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