I quit hunting Colorado due to the CWD problem.
They can keep their sick animals and high prices. I don't like hunting or consuming sick animals.
M T Roberts,
If they want to keep their game management programs alive, they need to do something to increase health and numbers of all their herds, and quit spending money like it's going out of style on equipment, personnel, or anything else that doesn't increase herd numbers and health.
They are getting so much money from other sources they have essentially disregarded what their original intent and purpose is. They are managing a department and it's resources, not wildlife. They are taking a "Let nature take its course" "hands off" management strategy and attitude when it comes to the animals. They want more money to support all this, and not a thing have they done has increased animal health or quantity. That is not why these agencies exist. They are supposed to actively do something for the animals.
They are supposed to interfere to the benefit of the animals, not to the benefit of the department.
Don't even get me started on introducing the wolf back into areas.
That was a real bonehead move, and if they didn't know it when they did it, they aren't smart enough to manage a wildlife herd, and should step aside and let someone who is get in there and do it.
Herd numbers are down, hard to get drawn, causes allot of hunters to become frustrated and fed up.
My state is the WORSE for this. We used to have a pretty decent antelope population in this state, now you have guys with 25 bonus points not drawing a tag! Don't believe me, ask Lancetkenyon.
Elk and deer in this state are soon to follow. The number of tags issued for herd management has not increased in years, and yet the number of hunters has.
These departments rely on PRIVATE intervention to actually do something for the animals. RMEF, etc.
Recently, AZGFD Relocated 50 or so antelope from the Prescott valley herd to down south to infuse the herd down there. I'll make a prediction here that those animals will end up feeding illegal immigrants and drug cartels moving through the area.
Hard to support an agency bent on growing and spending without actually doing anything for the animals they are there to help.
Kind of sounds like something the government would do doesn't it?