What is long range hunting and what is hunted?

He has the scope and range finder combo point the range finder at the elk and it then dials in the scope to the exact range without having to raise your crosshairs or dial turrets, I know nothing about it other than what he has told me, most all of my elk I have killed here in Washington State have been under 100 yards, This is illegal in Washington State, so I will deffinetley need practice to get good for sure.
I'm curious, what is illegal in WA state ?
Well I called about it I guess range finding scopes are legal you just can't use a laser guided scope? I had looked into it before and read that you you couldn't use scopes with electronics in Washington State. Who knows maybe 15 years ago they were not allowed and now they are? Not sure
Your Elk, are they Roosevelt or Rocky Mountain? The Elk i took with a Rem Model 7 on Raspberry Island were all Roosevelt. Never hunted Rocky Mountain Elk. Sounds like folks find them much harder to stalk.
Rocky mountain elk, they can be hard to hunt or seems easy sometimes, snow always helps, when hunters leave the weekend warriors the elk come back out, then just staraight up luck, I saw elk everday this past hunting season, some 10 feet away from me, I shot and missed at a spike bull as it is spike bull only where I hunt it was about 40 yards away still don't know how I missed just to freaking excited plus it had been about three years since my last elk, I will be ready next year hoping my father in law gets drawn for a cow tag plus I have a lot of branch antlered bull points so hopefully I will get drawn at some point.