I had a 1:10" .25-06AI for 12+ years. Shot a 115 @ 3450fps, or 100 TTSX @ 3600+.
My 1:7.5" 25SST can push the 131 BJ @ 3300+, and I am running the 121 HH @ 3414fps. Am working on the 135 LR Hyb too. All are insanely accurate. So use this for comparable speeds. I kind of want to test the 115 VLD, but really have no use for them.
A buddy's straight 1:10" .25-06 is pushing the 100TTSX @ 3420 at the top end. He can get the 115 VLD to 3270.
I would not go down to a 1:8" in my 25SST. So in your slightly slower .25-06, if it were me, I would go 1:7.5" too. Unless you are considering the 128 Hammer Hunter as well. Then the 1:7" makes sense. But unless you are shooting very thin jacketed varmint bullets at 3600+, you will be fine.