What to do after spotting an animal?

Like 25WSM, I have serious low back problems, so I have to use a 4-wheeler with a winch to pull bigger animals into mini bed in back (head and torso), then drag animal back to camp. I'm always careful and very steady before taking my shot. And I always hunt with someone else nearby (like my grandson, 1/4 mi. away). Be safe.
You guys make it so complicated. Mine usually goes like this.
1 Noise wakes me up.
2 I see buck standing in front of me.
3 He is spooky because he thought my snoring was buck grunts.
4 Put crosshair on ribcage and squeeze trigger.
5 Text all my buddies to come help me drag it out of the woods.
6 Drink rest of my coffee from thermos. Smoke cigar while waiting on friends.
See not complicated at all.
Rocky Patel or Monte Cristo?
1. Ensure it's an animal I want to take
2. Any good way to get closer
3. Acess situation
-weather wind
-time of day. Do I have time to take care of the animal
-are there any other animals in line of fire
- is there a good spot to shoot from, steady, sun glare, some what comfortable
4. Range
5. Figure solution
6. Set parallax
7. Dial turrets
8. Squeeze the trigger
9. Field dress animal and start packing
Also you might note that when you get to step number 9. You will find out who your friends are.😁
I would think your #3 should be #1.
Then most of the others would already be covered. lol
Amusing that you guys have animals that will hang around while you mess with scope settings.

IME ---- take a good position and shoot.
You are probably right. I'm getting a little age on me and am easily confused. Actually my number 1 probably should have been. Take a leak so I can then try to decide what to do 🤔.
I know the feeling, i officially turn 85 tomorrow.
But it is interesting reading all the different opinions.
Especially since so many of the things mentioned arent considered at all by others including me.
Of coarse much of that has to do with the where and how we go about doing it.
And i suppose how much and how long factors in also.
dmj: I am all of that and the excitement brings on the "urge"! Question then becomes, How many layers of clothes do we have to fight through and will we make it in time? You cracked me up, brother!!!
I know the feeling, i officially turn 85 tomorrow.
But it is interesting reading all the different opinions.
Especially since so many of the things mentioned arent considered at all by others including me.
Of coarse much of that has to do with the where and how we go about doing it.
And i suppose how much and how long factors in also.
Wow, 85? Congratulations! You da man!
Amusing that you guys have animals that will hang around while you mess with scope settings.

IME ---- take a good position and shoot.
Well fact is that they have been known to hang around while 50 rounds are sent their way.
Specially with little pop guns like 6.5 Bees. lol
Anyway whats some guy in FL know about that anyway? lol
Where you at? call me sometime and we can talk.
A guy can get bored just talking about Speck fishing.
Chuckle --- I could ask what some guy in NC/PA knows.

"do, do ,do, looking out my (June-Dec) front door."

Hint: not the Appalachians.

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