Another what gun?

Question to the ones who have taken moose or similar large game, what would be the minimum fps and ft/lbs you'd want to take say a moose? I'd say 1,800 fps at least, that's just me. What do you all say?
They both are good cartridges, but of the two I'd use the 30-06. I'd use the 30-06 because for moose I'd prefer the bigger caliber and heaver bullets.
It looks like you shoot them both very well so it just comes down to your personal preference.
If at all possible I tack both so I could have a backup rifle just in case some thing does go wrong. If you have to go deep in the bush with limited supply's you could leave one at the base camp and still have a chance to get if you needed it and not waste all of the remainder of your hunt.
This is just my thinking and opinions on it and I bet you have looked at all the same things.
I'm all so shore by the bullets your using you know as long as you use the right bullet and make a good shot ether one will do just fine.
I'm gonna go with 06, which what my mind had been telling me anyhow. There's just something about a cheap gun n scope (7mm-08) that shoots well if you know what I mean , makes ya wanna shoot something with it😁. The hunt is fly into a remote lodge so if my gear comes in under weight limit wouldn't be any problem to take both as I'm driving to Newfoundland. They do have a spike camp available to go to if you choose for a night or 2.
Goin to Newfoundland on moose/caribou hunt. First i don't figure on shots being over 3-350yds. What's your thoughts on which gun to take ? My choices are 7mm-08 shooting 136grn sledge hammer or 30-06 shooting 180 Barnes TTSX. I am starting on load for 06 with 166 grn sledge hammer. Both guns shoot under 1in at 100yds, 7mm-08 is little lighter n less recoil (ruger american) n has cheap scope but it will shoot. 06 is nicer gun with better scope.ok I'm rambling,curious to you guys thinking.
I would lean towards the 06 as the ammo (factory) if needed is almost everywhere all the time. It moght not be the exact one but if yours got lost somehow or accidently left behind there is enough variations available anywhere.
Just something to ponder. The Swedes have been killing moose for about 100 yrs. with the 6.5x55 and have had no problems.

Just like US citizens have been shooting them with .30-40 Krag and Canadians using .303 British. Doesn't mean that these are ideal for Moose. But they work.

I looked into a moose hunt in Alberta (I think). It was $19,000 US. If I am dropping that kind of money for another hunt, you can be sure it will be with a substantial caliber. Last one I did in Quebec was with a .300 Magnum. Moose are huge, like water and need to be stopped before they get into the middle of whatever lake, stream, or river they are heading for after the shot.

Good Luck

Goin to Newfoundland on moose/caribou hunt. First i don't figure on shots being over 3-350yds. What's your thoughts on which gun to take ? My choices are 7mm-08 shooting 136grn sledge hammer or 30-06 shooting 180 Barnes TTSX. I am starting on load for 06 with 166 grn sledge hammer. Both guns shoot under 1in at 100yds, 7mm-08 is little lighter n less recoil (ruger american) n has cheap scope but it will shoot. 06 is nicer gun with better scope.ok I'm rambling,curious to you guys thinking.
Take them both. You can use one as a back up weapon. I never go somewhere that I can't replace components like damage scopes etc, without a spare rifle.
Just like US citizens have been shooting them with .30-40 Krag and Canadians using .303 British. Doesn't mean that these are ideal for Moose. But they work.

I looked into a moose hunt in Alberta (I think). It was $19,000 US. If I am dropping that kind of money for another hunt, you can be sure it will be with a substantial caliber. Last one I did in Quebec was with a .300 Magnum. Moose are huge, like water and need to be stopped before they get into the middle of whatever lake, stream, or river they are heading for after the shot.

Good Luck

The europeans hunt by driving and more than one hunter may shoot the same moose. Also, their shots are generally inside 100 yards. Personally, I'd be using a .338 or a .35 Whelen with 250 grain bullets with a 30-06 and 200 grain bullets as a back up rifle.
If you can afford a hunting trip to Newfoundland; why not a new rifle? If a new rifle, what rifle? What cartridge? What barrel length? What bullet? Etc. that should get us another 20 pages.
When I went caribou hunting we were in Northern Quebec. We were hunting the Green River Herd. There were bulls everywhere. Take your time and select a bull with Double Shovels. Don't let the guide rush you. Three of us went in our group and we got 6 bulls. Shots were 30 to 125 yards. 2 guys used .30-06 I had a .308, all used 180 gr cup and core bullets. 1 bull required two shots. I quess if you wanted to shoot further you could, but plenty of animals to choose from. Two days later we were shooing caribou out of camp.

Years prior on our Moose hunt we hunted a Zec in South central Quebec. It was so thick that you literally had to swim through the first year pine trees. No one got a moose, but shots would have been tag-you're-it ranges.

Also, don't expect to take a back-up rifle on a float-plane. They have very strict weight limits. Warm clothes, sleeping bag, boots and quality rain gear are a must.

Your .30-06 is plenty. Unless you want to buy a new rifle....

Good Luck

I'm with Rilow.
Also, I've killed many animals with the 7-08..... Not so sure I'd want to tackle shooting a Moose with it.
Take the "Big Gun" 30-06 for the heavy work.
don't take the light gun in hopes of everything going right- take the big gun in case everything goes wrong.
my .02 cents
That right , sir
Also, keep a trigger lock on your rifle while traveling. Game Warden will check you if you are on the road. They seemed pretty strict about it.
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