Patience is the key to planting trees. You have a time frame between 5 and 15 years before mast crops will start producing. There are some varieties like the sawtooth acorn tree that will start producing mast between 5 and 8 years. We have tried the chestnut but does not seem to like the zone we are in.
I would advise you to spread your food source over a period of time. Plant trees that drop acorns or fruit during different months. We added the sawtooth to fill the void from late August to early October. Then our white oaks, red oaks, water oaks, post oaks are dropping from late October till the end of November.
Last year we were at a Wally World and notice they had some oaks planted on the property line. This was right around Christmas time and the trees were loaded with acorns. Did a little investigating of the species and found out that it was a Nuttall Oak. They will start dropping acorns in December into January.
Fill the void around what you have already producing on your property to give them something all year instead of during hunting season.
Also a control burn is a good way to open land for native species to thrive. I burn my property every 2 to 3 years to open thing up. Just make sure you protect your young seedlings if you planted any.