What Kind of Energy at Long Range?

A little under 2 years. Too bad I dented my mom's Suburban the other day. Stupid mutt ran out in front of me when I was on ice going doe hunting with my buddy. Needless to say, it was unharmed in the ditch, but when pulled out it slid right into the tractor. So now I'm out of money for a while until the dent is payed off, and it's a reaaaal nice one too, creased the back door and everything.

With a 338 Edge, how is the recoil compared to one of the other extremely overbore calibers? I want to be able to spot hits by myself, and want an economic caliber to shoot. The 168 and 180 grain 7mm Bergers aren't too expensive, I would probably shoot them. They're coming out with 338 bullets this summer I think, but they will probably be expensive, too expensive for me. Then I also need to look into a nice scope. I got a Burris 8-32x from a guy on here, and I like it, but it just doesn't have a lot of adjustment. I definetly won't have the money for a Nightforce, what scope do you suggest? And as another question, what would be a caliber that uses a magnum bolt face but would be easy on barrels to practice with and cheap to shoot? (tricky question) I know I can just change it, but changing a barrel and going to shoot a different caliber would be quicker/easier/better.
With a 338 Edge, how is the recoil compared to one of the other extremely overbore calibers? I want to be able to spot hits by myself, and want an economic caliber to shoot. ... And as another question, what would be a caliber that uses a magnum bolt face but would be easy on barrels to practice with and cheap to shoot? (tricky question) I know I can just change it, but changing a barrel and going to shoot a different caliber would be quicker/easier/better.


Recoil on the Edge will be stiff without a brake. A heavier contour barrel and a laminate stock with a good recoil pad will help, but that level of performance definitely needs a brake in my opinion.

As far as a caliber to start with that has the same magnum boltface, I like the 300WSM. Thats what I'm using as my Edge build. The 300WSM is a legit longrange caliber, its very efficient powder wise, 30 caliber so bullets are available and reasonable, barrel life can be excellent with good barrel maintenance (I've been told several thousand). I started with a Savage 12fvss in 300WSM and its as accurate as any rifle I own. I have a 338-300ultra barrel on order, but am very impressed with the 300WSM. With 165gr Hornady HPBT (cheap bullets) I'm shooting a lot of .3" and better groups and nearly all of them are staying under .5". The model 12fvss has the medium weight accutrigger and it is very nice on my rifle. I'm usually a fanatic about having a good trigger and have Timney's and Jewells. I didn't even need to touch this one! It's in a short action, this will make it stiffer, it will eject a RUM empty but not a loaded round and it will be a single shot. It has a varmint contour and recoil is almost non-existent with the plastic stock (I have a laminate on order which should make it even better).

Too bad about the suburban.

Tyler asked about the target action, and I guess I would like to know this as well, because I have a target action on the way. Right bolt left port. I guess that I assumed that I could not put an edge in this action because of the port size. Am I wrong? I know that I would need to change the bolt head, but would I also need to get a barrel that does not use the barrel nut? a la remington style.
I meant how is the recoil comparable to the other Allen Magnums, RUMs, with brakes. What normal rifle caliber would it feel like with the brake. I have a 45-70 I shoot, and with 300 grainers past 2300 fps, it isn't enjoyable, over 40 lbs recoil. Some people can handle lots of recoil, but I say 40 lbs is my limit without busting my eyebrow, and I don't want near that much with a brake on.
Haven't played with the target action, sorry I missed that.

Some folks including Savage, has used the Savage action for the RUM calibers (large and small shank) with the barrel nut. Others only use the large shank and others will only set them up with a shoulder like a Remington. I haven't done it yet, but plan on a large shank and barrel nut.

As far as recoil, it all depends on the weight of the rifle. Mine will be around 14lbs and will have a Brake and I expect my daughter to be able to shoot it.

Thanks, I calculated the recoil online an at 15 lbs it would be less recoil than my 45-70, so it would be shootable without the brake, just wouldn't want to do it alot and get a flinch.
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