What is the difference between a 7 Rem Mag and a regular 7mm

A standard catagory A/B licence (Rimfire, bolt action and shotgun) allows you to buy powder and components also. You need a specialised license to have pistols and semi's etc.
Are yall allowed to buy suppressors? Are they regulated like they are over here? Do yall have minimum barrel length requirements, like we do over here in the States?

Getting a suppressor or building an SBR (Short-Barreled Rifle) has to be registered through the BATFE, and it's just a big **** bureaucratic paperwork nightmare. Takes like 9 months to a year for approval (depending on how busy they are). And you have to repeat this process for EVERY suppressor and SBR/SBS/AOW you purchase.

Is this our American equivalent to how much of a hassle it is for yall to buy a semi-auto or a pistol?

Sorry for all the questions, I've just always been curious how restrictive Australia's gun laws actually are.
Are yall allowed to buy suppressors? Are they regulated like they are over here? Do yall have minimum barrel length requirements, like we do over here in the States?

Getting a suppressor or building an SBR (Short-Barreled Rifle) has to be registered through the BATFE, and it's just a big **** bureaucratic paperwork nightmare. Takes like 9 months to a year for approval (depending on how busy they are). And you have to repeat this process for EVERY suppressor and SBR/SBS/AOW you purchase.

Is this our American equivalent to how much of a hassle it is for yall to buy a semi-auto or a pistol?

Sorry for all the questions, I've just always been curious how restrictive Australia's gun laws actually are.

No surpressors allowed here mate, but you can have them across the ditch in New Zealand and there is regulation on barrel length too. Off the top of my head I don't know the details.
It sounds like our gun laws in Canada are trying to mimic what have in Australia. However we do not need a license to buy reloading supplies. We must show our drivers license to buy powder though and our PAL to buy loaded ammo. It is always nice to learn what others have to put up with sometimes it makes you feel a little better. We do have a scary new regestry slated to start early 2018 where new guns will be registered with the UN. Great plan register our guns with the worlds biggest anti gun group that should go real well.
Yall better do some fighting brother! Don't let that happen to yall, then you'll be sitting ducks when the blue helmets come to disarm yall. Registration leads to confiscation. That's how it starts. That's where the old American patriot "blue helmets make good targets" quote comes from. We won't let that happen here!

The UN is one nasty anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, anti-white, anti-gun, anti-conservative, anti-capitalism evil satanic George Soros-backed and funded organization full of globalist scumbags that play our countries like moves on a gigantic chess board.
I hear you Mud Runner we had a good Prime Minster and the wanted another brain dead lib. I often wonder if our children are even taught in school how the dictators disarmed the people to gain power. To me that is very hush hush to push the guns are bad movement. I don't know how many people know that the UN wants to take guns away from all civilians. Of course we all know that when no one has a gun there will be no crime. Except by the goverment against its people.
Not true Bill... Guns are only a tool used. There will still be crime. People will use golf clubs, chair legs, pool cues, coffee mugs, tire irons, etc... If someone wants to harm people, they will. Blaming guns for crime is like blaming forks for being fat.
You misunderstood me MR I know taking the guns away will not end violent crime. However I do believe our children and the masses are being fed that line of thinking. Sadly that ideology is starting to catch on and people are begining to look down on gun owners as the bad guys. Heck here in Canada if some slime ball breaks into your house and steals your guns look out. You are more guilty then the guy who broke in and will be punished more. Our guns are to be locked up seperate from our locked up ammo. I am guessingg this is to give the criminals safe access to your house. In the city of Calgary about 80 miles from me the biggest mass murder they have had was done with a knife. Not one word was ever spoken on any news about the danger knives hold to the public. It sure would have been a different story though had the guy shot the people. Luckly the knife wielding murder was found not criminally responsible because of a mental condition. This all happened about 3 years ago ang our justice board was looking at letting him out because he is responding well to medication.
I have thrown this in to show how hard it is to fight our beuacrats up here. Add to stupidity that our Liberal government has a huge majority in power right now. On top of that they are being led by bimbo the birthday clown Justin Trudea.
Our government had a huge leftwing/lib majority for 8 years, but we stood up and did something about it, and if you watch any American news, you can see how hard Trump and his people are fighting these holdover creeps at EVERY turn. People think Trump is inadequate as a President, but that's not the case. He is doing everything he can to fix everything Obama screwed up, and some of those things, he's trying to fix the RIGHT way, and not just by executive order. And the a-holes are fighting him tooth and nail, and even some of the RINOs (Republican In Name Only) like McConnell, Ryan, McCain, Graham, Flake, and others that are secretly working for the Dems, are not helping our side at all.
I believe you guys have a great leader wish he was our leader. We have groups here fighting for our rights to own guns and they are having some success. I heard today on the news that Trump lifted the ban on Elephant trophies comming into America that is great. That was an Obama blunder done to please bunny huggers. I personally wish our politics were more loke yours you have some say. We have next to none unless we are a minority of sme kind.
Sadly we don't have much say. We have to do our talking at the polls, and it's been a LONG time since we had a President that was truly pro 2nd Amendment (Roland Reagan). Even Reagan made a few mistakes, like letting the Hughes Amendment, the Brady Bill, and FOPA get passed...Which hurt our rights A LOT. But even if the Dems try to pass some legislation, I have a good feeling that President Trump is going to just laugh, and toss it in the paper shredder in front of them, instead of signing it. I hope I'm right for our future's sake. Right now we have a good time to fight and get BACK some of our previously taken 2A rights, but these evil globalist Dems keep causing these mass shootings to happen (Sandy Hook, Vegas, etc...) in attempts to make a push for gun control (not including Texas, that was just a whackjob with a gun). Sadly these people are that evil just to push their sick and twisted agendas on us. But we fight back!

Always remember, an armed society is a polite society. And without guns, we go from being citizens, to becoming subjects.
I like what you are saying especialy that last line. More people need to read that and soak it in. If they think it is a lie we could send them to Russia or China for a few years. Then when they got home we could pound hame how these countries got in the condition they are in. Better yet we cold send our anti gun people to Russia and China to protest for human rights and freedoms. Those leaders there love those kind of protests.
During the election campaign and battle for his right to run for President I believe Donald Trump merely said what most people are afraid to say. He has to be disresected more then any President ever before. I'll say it again he is 10 times the leader of our UN brown nosing kiss up. If you want a good laugh some time look up some speaches by Trudea where he has not got the answer wrote down in front of him. You will never hear so many ums and ahs in one sentence from a politician. Sure makes us proud to be Canadian when he speaks.
I had a friend ask me the other day what the title says. Not thinking I told him case size and about 3to4 hundred fps difference in velocity. He responded so no real difference. The next mourning thinking about it I thought you know the 7Rem Mag is the regular 7mm. Then I thought about his other statement and thought why does he shoot 3in mag shotgun shells there is no difference fron the two and thre quarter jobs lol. So today I told the guy this and as usual he said I was wrong because he knew a guy with a regular 7mm. Now this guy is a close friend but will not listen to much I say without arguing. I told him that most people when they say they have a 7mm mean the 7Rem Mag. Now am I right or wrong I know there are now a lot of 7mm cartridges out there but is the 7 Rem Mag still the most popular in America? How would you guys have answered this question remember your answer will be wrong or pointless. Not to me but to the guy you are responding to. I am curious to see what you guys would call the regular 7mm. To me this is still a great caliber and the 7 Rem Mag was my first big game rifle.
There is no "regular 7mm". There are at least a dozen 7mm's that are not "magnums" and all of them are a bit different and all of them are going to give up 100-250fps to the 7mm Rem.

What's the difference? It's the difference between a 6cyl and an 8cyl or a 4cyl and and 8cyl engine depending on which of the "regular 7mm's" is being referred to.
From what I am reading here you guys have it to easy. Finding some of those cartridges here can be a real struggle but the 7Rem Mag is every where. Remember the old days when a magnum cartridge always wore a belt. When we think magnum actualy the 22-250 and 220 Swift are magnums but do not carry the name.
Maybe it is time to design a cartridge called the 7mm Regular. That way we would have a standard to go when explainig things to people like my friend. In fact there could be a regular cartridge in every caliber to make things simple LOL.
That's pretty much what the 7mm LRM did. They necked down a .375 Ruger I believe to 7mm and poof you get a screaming non belted 7mm Magnum.
I like what you are saying especialy that last line. More people need to read that and soak it in. If they think it is a lie we could send them to Russia or China for a few years. Then when they got home we could pound hame how these countries got in the condition they are in. Better yet we cold send our anti gun people to Russia and China to protest for human rights and freedoms. Those leaders there love those kind of protests.
During the election campaign and battle for his right to run for President I believe Donald Trump merely said what most people are afraid to say. He has to be disresected more then any President ever before. I'll say it again he is 10 times the leader of our UN brown nosing kiss up. If you want a good laugh some time look up some speaches by Trudea where he has not got the answer wrote down in front of him. You will never hear so many ums and ahs in one sentence from a politician. Sure makes us proud to be Canadian when he speaks.
Trudeau is the biggest sissy I've ever seen. For God's sakes, he is a self-proclaimed male feminist... A man can't possibly castrate himself anymore than that, without actually and physically emasculating himself with a razorblade.

You need to rally up all your Canadian brothers and sisters and vote that douche out of office next election. Get yourselves your own Trump-like president. He would be good for Canada. Imagine what it would be like to own all the same guns we can here in the States.
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