What is long range hunting and what is hunted?

Perhaps there is a reason why Military Precision Shooters annotated their clean cold bore rounds so diligently, and adjust subsequent shots accordingly? 🤔
I got a few of those. Usually you get them for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But start annotating/charting your clean cold bore rounds and it may change your paradigm if only one shot should be required. JMHO YMMV.
I've annotated how consistent my fouled cold bore is, if it shot any better I'd be shooting for money.
Shooting for money is highly competitive. But shooting at critters 2K yards away isn't table fare? When only one shot will do, well that one shot is going to be maximized from a clean cold bore. Every round after that is going to be centered on a group size that is additive to the amount of dispersion. Sometimes you only get one chance to make one shot count. Usually paper don't shot back. But then there is Skippy.
Long distance hunting is a 22LR, and a 6" ground squirrel at just over a 100yds...
It may not be an Elk at 600yds with a 300WM, but taking out 40-50 in the course of a day is a challenge and a heck of a lot of fun...
Yup, I still shoot hunters pistol with a 22LR Dan Wesson handgun. Unfortunately I only average 38 out of 40 nowadays. **** Them 75 yard Turkeys. 👍
Shooting for money is highly competitive. But shooting at critters 2K yards away isn't table fare? When only one shot will do, well that one shot is going to be maximized from a clean cold bore. Every round after that is going to be centered on a group size that is additive to the amount of dispersion. Sometimes you only get one chance to make one shot count. Usually paper don't shot back. But then there is Skippy.

If I had the time to practice shooting a cold clean bore shot in all weather conditions and the money/time to clean the bore after every shot, I'd have too much time on my hands.
If I had the time to practice shooting a cold clean bore shot in all weather conditions and the money/time to clean the bore after every shot, I'd have too much time on my hands.
So join Uncle Sam's Canoe Club and the BIG M can supply you with enough ammo and range time to make you a Happy Camper. Although wet and sandy on the Strand ain't living life to the fullest. JMHO YMMV. LOL.
That may be the least of your concerns? What's your time in the two mile swim? Can you still do 4 in 32 with a sixty six pound ruck? Can you drop and perform 100 x 1000 on the 1K One way range at the end of the course?. Did you do it at 18? That's what 1 percent of those that enter Uncle Sam's Canoe Club consider minium specs. Last thing you want to be is the anchor.Makes you the weakest link of the chain. But OH that trigger break on the 1K One way range can earn you a lot of remedial training. 🔱
So now that we beat our chests and measured.... Nowadays when I finish a course of fire on the 1K Range I jump into the golf cart to withdraw my target, yet y'all are telling me that you trude over the tundra to Field dress and pack your Elk/Deer out? Just how do you transport this field dressed kill after it has cooled? We used to canoe Moose down river, but a thousand pounds of dressed meat overland can become a chore? YMMV.

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