What is everyone's recommended Muzzleloader rifle?

I settled at 105.2 grains by weight. Bear in mind these barrels are centerfire pressure rated...not to be tried in an off the shelf muzzy!
Not as cool or as satisfying as as a custom or a home built gun but my cva paramount with an eliminator 3 is super accurate i banged a 12" plate every time out to 530 yards this summer. I couldn't wait for muzzle loader season. The only shot I got was a fat doe at 207 yards. Not far but it was a bang flop drt
Had the paramount been around at the time, i likely would have gone that route. Its a lot of muzzy for the money and with an aftermarket plug providing a total seal, its a nice setup.
Don't know if it's been mentioned, but I think the biggest limitation on long range shooting other than the shooter is your glass.

Your not shooting 300 plus yards with a Wal-Mart scope or any mid grade 3x9. It's impossible to be sub moa when you can't see details of your target. But you could make one lucky shot.
I've gone through the long range fad of muzzleloaders, heck my 12 year old son shot a buck last year at 217 yards with one. Now I've build my deer hunting rig for my future and am having far more fun with it than I did with my inlines.

Limited to 100 or so yards and patch and ball.

In the process of building it's little brother for squirrel hunting as well. Highly recommended...
Killed my first deer with a percussion cap with black powder. I've hunted with flintlock and a Savage 45 cal smokeless. Call me lazy but cleaning black powder guns is a PIA.
I now hunt with a NEF 20 ga converted to 45 cal smokeless, the gun weighs less than 9lbs scoped


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It's been a while since I checked the long range game for muzzleloaders. Wow the new ones are impressive but also kind of takes the fun out of it.
Many new muzzleloaders out are running smokeless powder I've been looking at them they are very tempting check out arrowhead rifles for one although there are many others
I've been building smokeless muzzleloaders for my customers using Arrowhead ignition systems and boy do they hammer. 1 inch groups at 300 yards and they don't smell like rotten eggs. They don't start rusting 10 seconds after you shoot it. No more plastic sabots. And they load so easy shot after shot. I don't feel like it's cheating because you still have to do everything you do with a regular muzzleloader it's just easier and doesn't stink. Plus 300 gn bullets at 2750 to 2800 fps really put the smackdown on game.
For the guys that need to know...…… just remember that the custom rifles that the builders are creating ARE RATED to shoot smokeless. Do not try smokeless propellants in ANY other muzzleloader that is not designed to handle the pressures created when using smokeless propellant.

Also, these custom built rifles will also shoot BP or any of the substitutes, of which BH209 is outstanding. Its not an absolute that you have to shoot, or hunt with smokeless propellant. These customs just love BH209. The quality of the barrels that the builders use, creates the unbelievable accuracy these rifles have. That is, IF the shooter is capable.
Always follow your rifle manufacturer's recommendations, including any custom built rifle.
While my LR rifles are quite contemporary, at the other end of the spectrum my muzzleloaders have retained the same characteristics they've possessed for centuries. My first buck was shot with one in the late sixties.
My personal favorite, Jack Hubbard, Virgina style 50 cal.flintlock.
I have been using a Knight that Jeff @Bestill rebarreled with a Brux and am currently having Jeff build an Omega, for me. Definitely a step above black powder but not for everyone.
I do have an Encore Brux smokeless 45 cal barrel, that Luke @Arrowhead Rifles put together. I'm looking to move to a new home, if anyone has a frame and wants to get into the smokeless game...
Great shooter and looker with 65gr of H4198 and a sized 275gr Pittman Accumax
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