Morakniv from Sweden. They are not your typical hunting knife and not something I would proactively search out. Camofire had them on a few years ago, blaze orange hard durometer rubber handle and black plastic scabbard. So I bought a dozen, maybe two. Thy were like $15 ea. I keep one in the tractor, my truck, tool box at work, one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. The one I kept in the tractor saw the most use, trimming twine, cutting calves, pigs, goats and a couple of barn cat toms. I haven't had it sharpend hand looking at the edge, no knicks or damage and it's still amazingly freaking sharp. I know I have a box with a bunch still in the original packaging.
I just looked and they have them from $20usd to $50usd with a sharpen and gut hook.
The one out of the tractor
I just looked and they have them from $20usd to $50usd with a sharpen and gut hook.
The one out of the tractor