What in the world ????

A little bore butter from David Tubb should keep the pressure down on the first few shots, until the voids are filled with carbon and copper.
Im just starting to use it, so after cleaning I'm not firing on a "dry" barrel.

"Bore Butter" you say. You mean the stuff I've been seasoning my muzzleloader bore with for the last 20 years? 😁
Met a barrel maker some time ago, two things that gave him grey hairs were bore scopes and barrel seasoning discussions. Guys would get a bore scope on Amazon and be bent out of shape that a barrel with 600 rounds of awesome performance would have some tooling mark between the rifling. His take was machine marks with good accuracy no problem, marks with bad accuracy let's talk. Also believed there would be peace in the middle east before there was peace in the barrel break in discussion.