What do you think of this shot?

I don't see issue with it at all except for its irresponsible! I have seen what these bullets do when they hit bone and that looks like what happened here.

one of the biggest reasons many states outlaw fmj's for hunting. I'd have put a 60grain partition in it or the swift tipped pill if I was bent on hunting my AR.
I'm having a hard time with this story. I can hit a 12" disk consistently @300 yds offhand, so I believe he could hit the deer at that distance offhand but to put it dead in the crease is a bit of luck IMO. It looks like too much damage for a 22 cal 55 gr fmj at that distance but I won't say it didn't happen for sure because I don't have experience with that bullet.
I maybe wrong but I didn't think you could have a flashlight attached to your rifle when you was deer hunting.

Maybe I'm wrong.
I have a friend that shot a whitetail deer at less than 100yds with his 223Rem AR with 55 grain hornady Interlock bullets (plural) it took seven on target shots to get her to drop. I am not saying the deer wouldn't have died but who knows where without the extra rounds? I am hoisting the BS flag on this one!
Shot is possible with the right shooter and conditions. That is really long way for shooting at game when you likely have other options for support available. I shot a deer a few years ago with a 204 at 150 and 1 with a 223 at 200. It was not easy to find the entrance or exit on those. I have shot deer with a 220 swift and the damage was dramatic. These shots were made with ballistic tips though.

I used to rabbit hunt with my cousins and brother. Normal weapon is a 22LR. I had a 30-06 with accelorators I liked to take out occasionally as well. We did a lot of off hand shooting at moving jacks. Rarely could you find a place to neal or prone. So, I got pretty decent at shooting off hand standing at moving rabbits with a 3006. Did the same on yotes in the sage brush. So it is not that impossible if I can do that sort of thing.
300 yards/meters with iron sights using crappy military ball ammo and crappy GI rifles while in a supported position is not an overly difficult shot. Off hand is more difficult for sure.

using the Hornady ballistics calculator, it looks like that would only be about 14" of drop at 350 yards assuming 3,200 fps at the muzzle. That's not a big deal.

That would also be about 1,948 fps and 464 ft/lbs of energy at 350 yards. That's roughly equivalent to a .45 acp+p round at point blank range which is known to be a damaging round so that kind of wound seems possible from that kind of energy though not guaranteed imo.

The 55 grain FMJ is known to create more damaging wounds than the 62 grain ss109 projectile from carbine length barrels after having shed the bulk of its initial velocity at longer ranges which again suggests that the wound is possible.

My conclusion: The shot itself is possible. It's very possible with a supported position of some kind. The wound is also possible though not any kind of guaranteed using that ammo imo.
I personally think the shot itself is very possible. I have shot silhoutte which is all standing, unsupported. I probably couldn't have made that shot, but I have shot with guys that could. Have used my open sighted M1A that I shoot highpower with on the silhoutte course, and was able to get just as many hits with that as my bolt gun. The chickens at 200 were tough to see, however.
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