What can I do to this gun to make it stretch out ?

longer range for .50 cal pro hunter

I thought I knew enough about muzzelloaders to know what to do about this problem. This gun will not pattern any size bullet using 150 gr of powder. I presently shoot 200gr shockwave with 100gr of powder and it does good. 100 yd is the longest I have shot and it is about 1 inch low. I have sent the barrel back to tc and they said it shot 250gr shockwave w/150gr of powder ok. They also said they lapped the barrel. I really want to shoot the 250gr bullet w/150gr of powder. I can not tell how powder and bullets I have already shot trying to get this gun to pattern with 150gr of powder. If anyone can help I am all ears. Thanks Lamar1950
While most guns are now rated for 150gr powder, few of them actually shoot anything accurately with that charge. If you want to shoot long range, accuracy is more important than maxing out your velocity.

When I got my Omega, I accurized it (bedded/pillars) and ran every high BC offered in 2004 through it (ie everything out there now but the TMZ). The flattest-shooting accurate load I found was the 200gr Shockwave over 110gr FFg 777 at 2100fps. I took a doe with a pass-thru at 338 yds last fall using this load -- 2 more at 180 and 209 just minutes before that. You're not going to reach much further than that with any load, 150gr or not.
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