Brushing with accelerator, then brushing with Patch Out did well. If no brushes and just patches, would be about the same as soaking with Kool Aid. Bore started off clean down to bare metal, then 35 rounds of 7 Mag in a SS barrel, barrel cooled ever 3rd shot.
The carbon looks dark grey, with small globules, and build up against the lands. Carbon would start cleaning up in the middle of the groove first, the works way toward the lands.
Bore brushing with accelerator and Patch out kept taking out more, let it soak over night, patch out, still gray on patches. Still carbon in the barrel with the hawkeye.
Bore tec C 4 is taking more carbon out than Patch out.
In the end, I use patches with Montana Extreme Copper Cream(no smell), this is easier to use than JB, and gets the remainder of the carbon out.
The copper cream does not play around with fouling at all, copper and carbon. I like it so much I ordered 5 bottles off of ebay.
I think that the discussion has taken a turn for what gets most of the carbon out, vs what get the fouling out to bare metal.
Those tall bottles I had of the wipe out products were used on high quality SS BArrels, 6 Dasher, 6 BRX, 6.5x47L. 308. and 7 Mag.'
I have no ax to grind with a product or a poster. I just want my barrels down to, or very close to bare metal. I see accuracy open up somewhere around 45 rounds.